The following is a list of CGNS data structures, with links to the relevant sections in the various manuals. In general, the SIDS, File Mapping, and Mid-Level Library documents are organized in such a way that choosing the link destination for a particular data structure is fairly straightforward. In the User's Guide, however, a particular data structure may be discussed in various places, and the link generally connects to the first relevant location in the document.
It should be noted that although either ADF or HDF5 may be used as the
underlying database manager, the detailed CGNS node descriptions are
essentially the same for both, and the "File Mapping" links connect to
the SIDS File Mapping Manual.
AdditionalExponents_t - Exponents associated with additional fundamental units | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | |||||||
AdditionalFamilyName_t - Additional families beyond that provided by Familyname_t | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | |||||||
AdditionalUnits_t - Units for additional dimensional data | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | |||||||
AngleUnits_t - Units for measuring angle | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
ArbitraryGridMotion_t - Data defining arbitrary grid motion (e.g., deforming grids) | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
Axisymmetry_t - Axis and angle of rotation for a 2-D axisymmetric database | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | |||||||
BaseIterativeData_t - Information on a time-dependent solution applicable to entire file | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
BC_t - Boundary condition data for a single surface patch | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
BCData_t - Variable names and associated boundary-condition data | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
BCDataSet_t - Boundary condition data for a single set of simple boundary-condition types | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
BCProperty_t - Special properties for particular boundary-condition patches | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | |||||||
BCType_t - Boundary-condition equations | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
BCTypeCompound_t - Flow-dependent boundary-condition equations and data | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
BCTypeSimple_t - Fixed boundary-condition equations and data | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
CGNSBase_t - CGNS entry level | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
CGNSLibraryVersion_t - CGNS version number | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | User's Guide | |||||||
ChemicalKineticsModel_t - Description of equations used to model chemical kinetics | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | |||||||
ConvergenceHistory_t - Convergence history information | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
DataArray_t - Multi-dimensional data array | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
DataClass_t - Class of data (i.e., dimensional, non-dimensional, etc.) | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
DataConversion_t - Data conversion factors | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | |||||||
Descriptor_t - Documentation or annotation | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
DimensionalExponents_t - Exponents associated with fundamental units | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
DimensionalUnits_t - Units for dimensional data | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
DiscreteData_t - Generic discrete data | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
Elements_t - Grid element data | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
ElementType_t - Type of grid element | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
EMConductivityModel_t - Conductivity model for electromagnetic flows | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | |||||||
EMElectricFieldModel_t - Electric field model for electromagnetic flows | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | |||||||
EMMagneticFieldModel_t - Magnetic field model for electromagnetic flows | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | |||||||
Family_t - Information pertinent to a CFD family | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
FamilyBC_t - Boundary condition type for a CFD family | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
FamilyBCDataSet_t - Boundary condition data for a CFD family | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | ||||||||
FamilyName_t - Name of family to which a zone or boundary belongs | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
FlowEquationSet_t - General description of governing flow equations | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
FlowSolution_t - Flow solution | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
GasModel_t - Description of equation of state model | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
GasModelType_t - Type of equation of state model | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
GeometryReference_t - Association between a CFD family and a CAD database | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
GoverningEquations_t - Description of governing flow equations | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
GoverningEquationsType_t - Type of governing flow equations (Euler, laminar, etc.) | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
Gravity_t - Components of gravity vector | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | |||||||
GridConnectivity_t - Generalized grid connectivity information | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
GridConnectivityProperty_t - Special properties for particular connectivity patches | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | |||||||
GridConnectivityType_t - Type of grid connectivity | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
GridConnectivity1to1_t - Connectivity data for point-matched abutting structured zones | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
GridCoordinates_t - Physical grid coordinates | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
GridLocation_t - Locations of data with respect to grid | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
IndexArray_t - Array of indices | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | |||||||
IndexRange_t - Range of indices | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | |||||||
IntegralData_t - Generic global or integral data | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
LengthUnits_t - Units for measuring length | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
MassUnits_t - Units for measuring mass | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
Ordinal_t - User-defined ordinal number for a node (obsolete) | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | |||||||
OversetHoles_t - Hole points in overlapping zones | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
ReferenceState_t - Reference state definition | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
RigidGridMotion_t - Data defining rigid translation/rotation of coordinates | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
Rind_t - Number of rind planes | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
RotatingCoordinates_t - Center of rotation and rotation rate vector for rotating coordinates | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | |||||||
SimulationType_t - Type of simulation (TimeAccurate or NonTimeAccurate) | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
TemperatureUnits_t - Units for measuring temperature | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
ThermalConductivityModel_t - Description of thermal conductivity model | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
ThermalConductivityModelType_t - Type of thermal conductivity model | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
ThermalRelaxationModel_t - Description of equations used to model thermal relaxation | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | |||||||
TimeUnits_t - Units for measuring time | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
TurbulenceClosure_t - Description of turbulence closure method | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
TurbulenceClosureType_t - Type of turbulence closure method | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
TurbulenceModel_t - Description of turbulence model | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
TurbulenceModelType_t - Type of turbulence model | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
UserDefinedData_t - Arbitrary user-defined data | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | |||||||
ViscosityModel_t - Description of molecular viscosity model | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
ViscosityModelType_t - Type of molecular viscosity model | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
Zone_t - Data for an individual zone | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
ZoneBC_t - Boundary condition data for a zone | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | User's Guide | |||||||
ZoneGridConnectivity_t - Grid connectivity data for a zone | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | User's Guide | |||||||
ZoneIterativeData_t - Information on a time-dependent solution applicable to a zone | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide | ||||||
ZoneSubRegion_t - Subregion of a zone | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | |||||||
ZoneType_t - Type of zone (e.g., Structured or Unstructured) | |||||||||
SIDS | File Mapping | Mid-Level | User's Guide |