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CFD General Notation System
CGNS Tools and Utilities

Version 4.2

A variety of CGNS-related utility packages have been developed, both by CGNS team members and by CGNS users.

A number of utility programs are provided in the tools subdirectory for the CGNS library release. These include:

A CGNS file viewer and editor based on Tcl/Tk. This is a replacement for ADFviewer, and is now based on the cgio interface which allows for reading both ADF and HDF5 based CGNS files. The GUI allows access to any node in the file using a Windows-like collapsible node tree. Nodes and data may be added, deleted, and modified. Several other utilities may be accessed from CGNSview, including:

CGNSview is part of the CGNStools package.

For structured zones, CGNSplot may be used to display the exterior faces of the volume mesh, the minimum and maximum bounding surfaces, the connectivity regions, and the boundary condition regions. For unstructured zones, CGNSplot will display the element sets. It may be run stand-alone, or accessed from CGNSview.

CGNSplot is part of the CGNStools package.

A collection of import, export, data conversion, and subset extraction and interpolation utilities that may be run stand-alone, or accessed from CGNSview.

These utilities are included in the CGNStools package.

A browser/editor that displays the ADF tree structure and contents in ASCII form, and permits item-by-item editing. Although ADF_Edit is still available, it has been superseded by the much more capable CGNSview.

Reads a CGNS file and writes history data to a formatted file. CGNS_readhist is available from the Utilities page at the CGNS web site external link.
Contact: Chris Rumsey (

FTU (File Transfer Utility)
Converts CGNS files to and from Plot3D format. Has a text-based menu allowing the manipulation of a CGNS base. FTU is available from the Utilities page at the CGNS web site external link.
Contact: Bob Bush (

PyCGNS external link
A Python binding to the ADF Core and Mid-Level Library.
Contact: Marc Poinot (

A development version of software for managing an in-memory representation of ADF trees. For more information, see "Proposal and Prototype for an in-memory representation of ADF trees external link" (PDF, 7 pages, 256K).
Contact: Marc Poinot (

CGNS++ external link
A C++ binding to the ADF Core and Mid-Level Library.
Contact: Manuel Kessler (

The complete CGNS Tools and Utilities documentation is available for installation on a local system. This is a gzip'ed tar file (318K, 635K gunzip'ed), and may be downloaded by clicking on the link while holding down the shift key, assuming your browser supports this capability. A dialogue box will appear for you to specify the directory and file name. To unpack the contents, do

   gunzip -c cgnstools.tar.gz | tar xvf -
The files will be extracted and stored in the directory cgnstools. Point your browser to the local file cgnstools/index.html to display the CGNS Tools and Utilities home page. Note that some links, to other manuals, etc., may not work.