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Time-Dependent Data

Base Iterative Data

Node: BaseIterativeData_t (SIDS, File Mapping)

Functions Modes
ier = cg_biter_write(int fn, int B, char *BaseIterName,
      int Nsteps);
- w m
ier = cg_biter_read(int fn, int B, char *BaseIterName,
      int *Nsteps);
r - m
call cg_biter_write_f(fn, B, BaseIterName, Nsteps, ier) - w m
call cg_biter_read_f(fn, B, BaseIterName, Nsteps, ier) r - m


    fn   CGNS file index number.
B Base index number, where 1 ≤ Bnbases.
BaseIterName Name of the BaseIterativeData_t node.
Nsteps Number of time steps or iterations.
ier Error status.

Zone Iterative Data

Node: ZoneIterativeData_t (SIDS, File Mapping)

Functions Modes
ier = cg_ziter_write(int fn, int B, int Z, char *ZoneIterName); - w m
ier = cg_ziter_read(int fn, int B, int Z, char *ZoneIterName); r - m
call cg_ziter_write_f(fn, B, Z, ZoneIterName, ier) - w m
call cg_ziter_read_f(fn, B, Z, ZoneIterName, ier) r - m


    fn   CGNS file index number.
B Base index number, where 1 ≤ Bnbases.
Z Zone index number, where 1 ≤ Znzones.
ZoneIterName Name of the ZoneIterativeData_t node.
ier Error status.

Rigid Grid Motion

Node: RigidGridMotion_t (SIDS, File Mapping)

Functions Modes
ier = cg_rigid_motion_write(int fn, int B, int Z,
      char *RigidGridMotionName,
      RigidGridMotionType_t RigidGridMotionType, int *R);
- w m
ier = cg_n_rigid_motions(int fn, int B, int Z,
      int *n_rigid_motions);
r - m
ier = cg_rigid_motion_read(int fn, int B, int Z, int R,
      char *RigidGridMotionName,
      RigidGridMotionType_t RigidGridMotionType);
r - m
call cg_rigid_motion_write_f(fn, B, Z, RigidGridMotionName,
     RigidGridMotionType, R, ier)
- w m
call cg_n_rigid_motions_f(fn, B, Z, n_rigid_motions, ier) r - m
call cg_rigid_motion_read_f(fn, B, Z, R, RigidGridMotionName,
     RigidGridMotionType, ier)
r - m


    fn   CGNS file index number.
B Base index number, where 1 ≤ Bnbases.
Z Zone index number, where 1 ≤ Znzones.
RigidGridMotionName Name of the RigidGridMotion_t node.
RigidGridMotionType Type of rigid grid motion. The admissible types are CG_Null, CG_UserDefined, ConstantRate, and VariableRate.
n_rigid_motions Number of RigidGridMotion_t nodes under zone Z.
R Rigid rotation index number, where 1 ≤ Rn_rigid_motions.
ier Error status.

Arbitrary Grid Motion

Node: ArbitraryGridMotion_t (SIDS, File Mapping)

Functions Modes
ier = cg_arbitrary_motion_write(int fn, int B, int Z,
      char *ArbitraryGridMotionName,
      ArbitraryGridMotionType_t ArbitraryGridMotionType, int *A);
- w m
ier = cg_n_arbitrary_motions(int fn, int B, int Z,
      int *n_arbitrary_motions);
r - m
ier = cg_arbitrary_motion_read(int fn, int B, int Z, int A,
      char *ArbitraryGridMotionName,
      ArbitraryGridMotionType_t ArbitraryGridMotionType);
r - m
call cg_arbitrary_motion_write_f(fn, B, Z,
     ArbitraryGridMotionName, ArbitraryGridMotionType, A, ier)
- w m
call cg_n_arbitrary_motions_f(fn, B, Z, n_arbitrary_motions, ier) r - m
call cg_arbitrary_motion_read_f(fn, B, Z, A,
     ArbitraryGridMotionName, ArbitraryGridMotionType, ier)
r - m


    fn   CGNS file index number.
B Base index number, where 1 ≤ Bnbases.
Z Zone index number, where 1 ≤ Znzones.
ArbitraryGridMotionName Name of the ArbitraryGridMotion_t node.
ArbitraryGridMotionType Type of arbitrary grid motion. The admissible types are CG_Null, CG_UserDefined, NonDeformingGrid, and DeformingGrid.
n_arbitrary_motions Number of ArbitraryGridMotion_t nodes under zone Z.
A Arbitrary grid motion index number, where 1 ≤ An_arbitrary_motions.
ier Error status.

Zone Grid Connectivity

Node: ZoneGridConnectivity_t (SIDS, File Mapping)

Functions Modes
ier = cg_nzconns(int fn, int B, int Z, int *nzconns); r - m
ier = cg_zconn_read(int fn, int B, int Z, int ZC, char *zcname); r - m
ier = cg_zconn_write(int fn, int B, int Z, const char *zcname, int *ZC); - w m
ier = cg_zconn_set(int fn, int B, int Z, int ZC); r w m
ier = cg_zconn_get(int fn, int B, int Z, int *ZC); r w m
call cg_nzconns_f(fn, B, Z, nzconns, ier) r - m
call cg_zconn_read_f(fn, B, Z, ZC, zcname, ier) r - m
call cg_zconn_write_f(fn, B, Z, zcname, ZC, ier) - w m
call cg_zconn_set_f(fn, B, Z, ZC, ier) r w m
call cg_zconn_get_f(fn, B, Z, ZC, ier) r w m


    fn   CGNS file index number.
B Base index number, where 1 ≤ Bnbases.
Z Zone index number, where 1 ≤ Znzones.
ZC Zone grid connectivity index number, where 1 ≤ ZCnzconns.
nzconns Number of ZoneGridConnectivity_t nodes under Zone Z.
zcname Name of the ZoneGridConnectivity_t node,
ier Error status.

This allows for the specification of multiple ZoneGridConnectivity_t nodes. If these functions are not used, or cg_zconn_write is called once with a zcname of ZoneGridConnectivity, then there will be no differences from previous versions of the CGNS library. However, with multiple ZoneGridConnectivity_t nodes, there is an implicit current ZoneGridConnectivity_t node on which subsequent grid connectivity functions will operate, i.e. cg_conn_read/write or cg_1to1_read/write.

The functions cg_zconn_read and cg_zconn_write will implicity set the current ZoneGridConnectivity_t node, while cg_zconn_set explicitly sets it. The functions cg_nzconns and cg_zconn_get do not change it.

The time-dependent changes to the connectivities may then be recorded in the ZoneInterativeData_t node as an array of ZoneGridConnectivityPointers.