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CFD General Notation System
SIDS File Mapping Manual

Version 4.2

This document specifies the exact manner in which, under CGNS conventions, CFD data structures (the SIDS) are to be stored in, i.e., mapped onto, the file structure provided by a database manager. Adherence to the mapping conventions guarantees uniform meaning and location of CFD data within a database file, and thereby allows the construction of universal software to read and write the data.

The complete SIDS File Mapping Manual in HTML form is also available for installation on a local system. This is a gzip'ed tar file (73K, 547K gunzip'ed), and may be downloaded by clicking on the link while holding down the shift key, assuming your browser supports this capability. A dialogue box will appear for you to specify the directory and file name. To unpack the contents, do

   gunzip -c filemap.tar.gz | tar xvf -
The files will be extracted and stored in the directory filemap. Point your browser to the local file filemap/index.html to display the SIDS File Mapping Manual home page. Note also that some links, to other manuals, etc., may not work.