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Boundary Conditions

Boundary Condition Type and Location

Node: BC_t (SIDS, File Mapping)

Functions Modes
ier = cg_boco_write(int fn, int B, int Z, char *boconame,
      BCType_t bocotype, PointSetType_t ptset_type, cgsize_t npnts,
      cgsize_t *pnts, int *BC);
- w m
ier = cg_boco_normal_write(int fn, int B, int Z, int BC,
      int *NormalIndex, int NormalListFlag,
      DataType_t NormalDataType, void *NormalList);
- w m
ier = cg_boco_gridlocation_write(int fn, int B, int Z, int BC, GridLocation_t location); - w m
ier = cg_nbocos(int fn, int B, int Z, int *nbocos); r - m
ier = cg_boco_info(int fn, int B, int Z, int BC, char *boconame,
      BCType_t *bocotype, PointSetType_t *ptset_type, cgsize_t *npnts,
      int *NormalIndex, cgsize_t *NormalListSize,
      DataType_t *NormalDataType, int *ndataset);
r - m
ier = cg_boco_read(int fn, int B, int Z, int BC, cgsize_t *pnts,
      void *NormalList);
r - m
ier = cg_boco_gridlocation_read(int fn, int B, int Z, int BC, GridLocation_t *location); r - m
call cg_boco_write_f(fn, B, Z, boconame, bocotype, ptset_type,
     npnts, pnts, BC, ier)
- w m
call cg_boco_normal_write_f(fn, B, Z, BC, NormalIndex,
     NormalListFlag, NormalDataType, NormalList, ier)
- w m
call cg_boco_gridlocation_write_f(fn, B, Z, BC, location, ier) - w m
call cg_nbocos_f(fn, B, Z, nbocos, ier) r - m
call cg_boco_info_f(fn, B, Z, BC, boconame, bocotype, ptset_type,
     npnts, NormalIndex, NormalListSize, NormalDataType, ndataset,
r - m
call cg_boco_read_f(fn, B, Z, BC, pnts, NormalList, ier) r - m
call cg_boco_gridlocation_read_f(fn, B, Z, BC, location, ier) r - m


    fn   CGNS file index number.
B Base index number, where 1 ≤ Bnbases.
Z Zone index number, where 1 ≤ Znzones.
BC Boundary condition index number, where 1 ≤ BCnbocos.
nbocos Number of boundary conditions in zone Z.
boconame Name of the boundary condition.
bocotype Type of boundary condition defined. See the eligible types for BCType_t in the Typedefs section. Note that if bocotype is FamilySpecified the boundary condition type is being specified for the family to which the boundary belongs. The boundary condition type for the family may be read and written using cg_fambc_read and cg_fambc_write.
ptset_type The extent of the boundary condition may be defined using a range of points or elements using PointRange, or using a discrete list of all points or elements at which the boundary condition is applied using PointList. When the boundary condition is to be applied anywhere other than points, then GridLocation_t under the BC_t node must be used to indicate this. The value of GridLocation_t may be read or written by cg_boco_gridlocation_read and cg_boco_gridlocation_write. As in previous versions of the library, this may also be done by first using cg_goto to access the BC_t node, then using cg_gridlocation_read or cg_gridlocation_write.
npnts Number of points or elements defining the boundary condition region. For a ptset_type of PointRange, npnts is always two. For a ptset_type of PointList, npnts is the number of points or elements in the list.
pnts Array of point or element indices defining the boundary condition region. There should be npnts values, each of dimension IndexDimension (i.e., 1 for unstructured grids, and 2 or 3 for structured grids with 2-D or 3-D elements, respectively).
NormalIndex Index vector indicating the computational coordinate direction of the boundary condition patch normal.
NormalListFlag Flag indicating if the normals are defined in NormalList and are to be written out; 1 if they are defined, 0 if they're not.
NormalListSize If the normals are defined in NormalList, NormalListSize is the number of points in the patch times phys_dim, the number of coordinates required to define a vector in the field. If the normals are not defined in NormalList, NormalListSize is 0.
NormalDataType Data type used in the definition of the normals. Admissible data types for the normals are RealSingle and RealDouble.
NormalList List of vectors normal to the boundary condition patch pointing into the interior of the zone.
ndataset Number of boundary condition datasets for the current boundary condition.
location Grid location used in the definition of the point set. The currently admissible locations are Vertex (the default if not given), and CellCenter. Interpretation of CellCenter, and additional allowable values of grid location depends on the base cell dimension. For CellDim=1, CellCenter refers to line elements. For CellDim=2, CellCenter refers to area elements, and the additional value EdgeCenter is allowed. For CellDim=3, CellCenter refers to volume elements, and in addition to EdgeCenter, the values of FaceCenter, IFaceCenter, JFaceCenter, and KFaceCenter may be used.
ier Error status.

Notes: (see CPEX 0031)

Boundary Condition Datasets

Node: BCDataSet_t (SIDS, File Mapping)

Functions Modes
ier = cg_dataset_write(int fn, int B, int Z, int BC,
      char *DatasetName, BCType_t BCType, int *Dset);
- w m
ier = cg_dataset_read(int fn, int B, int Z, int BC, int Dset,
      char *DatasetName, BCType_t *BCType, int *DirichletFlag,
      int *NeumannFlag);
r - m
call cg_dataset_write_f(fn, B, Z, BC, DatasetName, BCType, Dset,
- w m
call cg_dataset_read_f(fn, B, Z, BC, Dset, DatasetName, BCType,
     DirichletFlag, NeumannFlag, ier)
r - m


    fn   CGNS file index number.
B Base index number, where 1 ≤ Bnbases.
Z Zone index number, where 1 ≤ Znzones.
BC Boundary condition index number, where 1 ≤ BCnbocos.
Dset Dataset index number, where 1 ≤ Dsetndataset.
DatasetName Name of dataset.
BCType Simple boundary condition type for the dataset. The supported types are listed in the table of Simple Boundary Condition Types in the SIDS manual, but note that FamilySpecified does not apply here.
DirichletFlag Flag indicating if the dataset contains Dirichlet data.
NeumannFlag Flag indicating if the dataset contains Neumann data.
ier Error status.

The above functions are applicable to BCDataSet_t nodes that are children of BC_t nodes.

For BCDataSet_t nodes that are children of a BC_t node, after accessing a particular BCDataSet_t node using cg_goto, the Point Set functions may be used to read or write the locations at which the boundary conditions are to be applied. This is only applicable when the boundary conditions are to be applied at locations different from those used with cg_boco_write to define the boundary condition region (e.g., when the region is being defined by specification of vertices, but the boundary conditions are to be applied at face centers).

When writing point set data to a BCDataSet_t node, in addition to the specification of the indices using cg_ptset_write, the function cg_gridlocation_write must also be used to specify the location of the data with respect to the grid (e.g., Vertex or FaceCenter).

Functions Modes
ier = cg_bcdataset_write(char *DatasetName, BCType_t BCType,
      BCDataType_t BCDataType);
- w m
ier = cg_bcdataset_info(int *ndataset); r - m
ier = cg_bcdataset_read(int Dset, char *DatasetName, BCType_t *BCType,
      int *DirichletFlag, int *NeumannFlag);
r - m
call cg_bcdataset_write_f(DatasetName, BCType, BCDataType, ier) - w m
call cg_bcdataset_info_f(ndataset, ier) r - m
call cg_bcdataset_read_f(Dset, DatasetName, BCType, DirichletFlag,
     NeumannFlag, ier)
r - m


    Dset   Dataset index number, where 1 ≤ Dsetndataset.
DatasetName Name of dataset.
BCType Simple boundary condition type for the dataset. The supported types are listed in the table of Simple Boundary Condition Types in the SIDS manual, but note that FamilySpecified does not apply here.
BCDataType Type of boundary condition in the dataset (i.e., for a BCData_t child node). Admissible types are Dirichlet and Neumann.
ndataset Number of BCDataSet nodes under the current FamilyBC_t node.
DirichletFlag Flag indicating if the dataset contains Dirichlet data.
NeumannFlag Flag indicating if the dataset contains Neumann data.
ier Error status.

The above functions are applicable to BCDataSet_t nodes that are used to define boundary conditions for a CFD family, and thus are children of a FamilyBC_t node. The FamilyBC_t node must first be accessed using cg_goto.

The first time cg_bcdataset_write is called with a particular DatasetName, BCType, and BCDataType, a new BCDataSet_t node is created, with a child BCData_t node. Subsequent calls with the same DatasetName and BCType may be made to add additional BCData_t nodes, of type BCDataType, to the existing BCDataSet_t node.

Boundary Condition Data

Node: BCData_t (SIDS, File Mapping)

Functions Modes
ier = cg_bcdata_write(int fn, int B, int Z, int BC, int Dset,
      BCDataType_t BCDataType);
- w m
call cg_bcdata_write_f(fn, B, Z, BC, Dset, BCDataType, ier) - w m


    fn   CGNS file index number.
B Base index number, where 1 ≤ Bnbases.
Z Zone index number, where 1 ≤ Znzones.
BC Boundary condition index number, where 1 ≤ BCnbocos.
Dset Dataset index number, where 1 ≤ Dsetndataset.
BCDataType Type of boundary condition in the dataset. Admissible boundary condition types are Dirichlet and Neumann.
ier Error status.

To write the boundary condition data itself, after creating the BCData_t node using the function cg_bcdata_write, use cg_goto to access the node, then cg_array_write to write the data. Note that when using cg_goto to access a BCData_t node, the node index should be specified as either Dirichlet or Neumann, depending on the type of boundary condition. See the description of cg_goto for details.

Special Boundary Condition Properties

Node: BCProperty_t (SIDS, File Mapping)

Functions Modes
ier = cg_bc_wallfunction_write(int fn, int B, int Z, int BC,
      WallFunctionType_t WallFunctionType);
- w m
ier = cg_bc_area_write(int fn, int B, int Z, int BC,
      AreaType_t AreaType, float SurfaceArea, char *RegionName);
- w m
ier = cg_bc_wallfunction_read(int fn, int B, int Z, int BC,
      WallFunctionType_t *WallFunctionType);
r - m
ier = cg_bc_area_read(int fn, int B, int Z, int BC,
      AreaType_t *AreaType, float *SurfaceArea, char *RegionName);
r - m
call cg_bc_wallfunction_write_f(fn, B, Z, BC, WallFunctionType, ier) - w m
call cg_bc_area_write_f(fn, B, Z, BC, AreaType, SurfaceArea,
     RegionName, ier)
- w m
call cg_bc_wallfunction_read_f(fn, B, Z, BC, WallFunctionType, ier) r - m
call cg_bc_area_read_f(fn, B, Z, BC, AreaType, SurfaceArea,
     RegionName, ier)
r - m


    fn   CGNS file index number.
B Base index number, where 1 ≤ Bnbases.
Z Zone index number, where 1 ≤ Znzones.
BC Boundary condition index number, where 1 ≤ BCnbocos.
WallFunctionType The wall function type. Valid types are CG_Null, CG_UserDefined, and Generic.
AreaType The type of area. Valid types are CG_Null, CG_UserDefined, BleedArea, and CaptureArea.
SurfaceArea The size of the area. (In Fortran, this is a Real*4 value.)
RegionName The name of the region, 32 characters max.
ier Error status.

The "write" functions will create the BCProperty_t node if it doesn't already exist, then add the appropriate boundary condition property. Multiple boundary condition properties may be recorded under the same BCProperty_t node.

The "read" functions will return with ier = 2 = CG_NODE_NOT_FOUND if the requested boundary condition property, or the BCProperty_t node itself, doesn't exist.