Functions | Modes |
ier = cg_array_write(char *arrayname, DataType_t datatype, int rank, cgsize_t *dimensions, void *data); | - w m |
ier = cg_array_general_write(char *arrayname, DataType_t datatype, int rank, cgsize_t *dimensions, cgsize_t *range_min, cgsize_t *range_max, DataType_t mem_datatype, int mem_rank, cgsize_t *mem_dimensions, cgsize_t *mem_range_min, cgsize_t *mem_range_max, void *data); | - w m |
ier = cg_narrays(int *narrays); | r - m |
ier = cg_array_info(int A, char *arrayname, DataType_t *datatype, int *rank, cgsize_t *dimensions); | r - m |
ier = cg_array_read(int A, void *data); | r - m |
ier = cg_array_read_as(int A, DataType_t datatype, void *data); | r - m |
ier = cg_array_general_read(int A, cgsize_t *range_min, cgsize_t *range_max, DataType_t mem_datatype, int mem_rank, cgsize_t *mem_dimensions, cgsize_t *mem_range_min, cgsize_t *mem_range_max, void *data); | r - m |
call cg_array_write_f(arrayname, datatype, rank, dimensions, data, ier) | - w m |
call cg_array_general_write_f(arrayname, datatype, rank, dimensions range_min, range_max, mem_datatype, mem_rank, mem_dimensions, mem_range_min, mem_range_max, data, ier); | - w m |
call cg_narrays_f(narrays, ier) | r - m |
call cg_array_info_f(A, arrayname, datatype, rank, dimensions, ier) | r - m |
call cg_array_read_f(A, data, ier) | r - m |
call cg_array_read_as_f(A, datatype, data, ier) | r - m |
call cg_array_general_read_f(A, range_min, range_max, mem_datatype, mem_rank, mem_dimensions, mem_range_min, mem_range_max, data, ier); | r - m |
narrays | Number of DataArray_t nodes under the current node. | ||
A | Data array index, where 1 ≤ A ≤ narrays. | ||
arrayname | Name of the DataArray_t node. | ||
datatype | Type of data held in the DataArray_t node. The admissible types are Integer, LongInteger, RealSingle, RealDouble, and Character. | ||
rank | Number of dimensions of array in file (max 12). See Node Management Routines in CGIO User's Guide. | ||
dimensions | Dimensions of array in file. | ||
range_min | Lower range index in file (eg., imin, jmin, kmin). | ||
range_max | Upper range index in file (eg., imax, jmax, kmax). | ||
mem_datatype | The type of data held in memory. The admissible types are Integer, LongInteger, RealSingle, RealDouble, and Character. | ||
mem_rank | Number of dimensions of array in memory (max 12). | ||
mem_dimensions | Dimensions of array in memory. | ||
mem_range_min | Lower range index in memory (eg., imin, jmin, kmin). | ||
mem_range_max | Upper range index in memory (eg., imax, jmax, kmax). | ||
data | The data array in memory. | ||
ier | Error status. |
The function cg_array_general_write may be used to write from a subset of the array in memory to a subset of the array in the file. When using the partial write, any existing data from range_min to range_max will be overwritten by the new values. All other values will not be affected.
The functions cg_array_general_read and cg_array_general_write allow for type conversion when both reading from and writing to the file.
When using cg_array_general_write and cg_array_general_read, the lower core elements in the file have index 1 for defining range_min and range_max; whereas for the array in memory, defined by mem_rank and mem_dimensions, the lower array elements in memory have index 1 for defining mem_range_min and mem_range_max. The actual lower and upper bounds of the array in memory can be anything. For example, to fully read a two-dimensional 6 × 6 data array with 1 rind plane on each side in the file to an 8 × 8 array in memory (mem_rank = 2 and mem_dimensions = (8,8)), set range_min and range_max to (0,0) and (7,7), and set mem_range_min and mem_range_max to (1,1) and (8,8).
Functions | Modes |
ier = cg_dataclass_write(DataClass_t dataclass); | - w m |
ier = cg_dataclass_read(DataClass_t *dataclass); | r - m |
call cg_dataclass_write_f(dataclass, ier) | - w m |
call cg_dataclass_read_f(dataclass, ier) | r - m |
dataclass | Data class for the nodes at this level. See below for the data classes currently supported in CGNS. | ||
ier | Error status. |
The data classes currently supported in CGNS are:
Dimensional | Regular dimensional data. | ||
NormalizedByDimensional | Nondimensional data that is normalized by dimensional reference quantities. | ||
NormalizedByUnknownDimensional | All fields and reference data are nondimensional. | ||
NondimensionalParameter | Nondimensional parameters such as Mach number and lift coefficient. | ||
DimensionlessConstant | Constant such as π. |
Functions | Modes |
ier = cg_conversion_write(DataType_t DataType, void *ConversionFactors); | - w m |
ier = cg_conversion_info(DataType_t *DataType); | r - m |
ier = cg_conversion_read(void *ConversionFactors); | r - m |
call cg_conversion_write_f(DataType, ConversionFactors, ier) | - w m |
call cg_conversion_info_f(DataType, ier) | r - m |
call cg_conversion_read_f(ConversionFactors, ier) | r - m |
DataType | Data type in which the conversion factors are recorded. Admissible data types for conversion factors are RealSingle and RealDouble. | ||
ConversionFactors | Two-element array containing the scaling and offset factors. | ||
ier | Error status. |
The DataConversion_t data structure contains factors to convert the nondimensional data to "raw" dimensional data. The scaling and offset factors are contained in the two-element array ConversionFactors. In pseudo-Fortran, the conversion process is as follows:
ConversionScale = ConversionFactors(1) ConversionOffset = ConversionFactors(2) Data(raw) = Data(nondimensional)*ConversionScale + ConversionOffset
Functions | Modes |
ier = cg_units_write(MassUnits_t mass, LengthUnits_t length, TimeUnits_t time, TemperatureUnits_t temperature, AngleUnits_t angle); | - w m |
ier = cg_unitsfull_write(MassUnits_t mass, LengthUnits_t length, TimeUnits_t time, TemperatureUnits_t temperature, AngleUnits_t angle, ElectricCurrentUnits_t current, SubstanceAmountUnits_t amount, LuminousIntensityUnits_t intensity); | - w m |
ier = cg_nunits(int *nunits); | r - m |
ier = cg_units_read(MassUnits_t *mass, LengthUnits_t *length, TimeUnits_t *time, TemperatureUnits_t *temperature, AngleUnits_t *angle); | r - m |
ier = cg_unitsfull_read(MassUnits_t *mass, LengthUnits_t *length, TimeUnits_t *time, TemperatureUnits_t *temperature, AngleUnits_t *angle, ElectricCurrentUnits_t *current, SubstanceAmountUnits_t *amount, LuminousIntensityUnits_t *intensity); | r - m |
call cg_units_write_f(mass, length, time, temperature, angle, ier) | - w m |
call cg_unitsfull_write_f(mass, length, time, temperature, angle, current, amount, intensity, ier) | - w m |
call cg_nunits_f(nunits, ier) | r - m |
call cg_units_read_f(mass, length, time, temperature, angle, ier) | r - m |
call cg_unitsfull_read_f(mass, length, time, temperature, angle, current, amount, intensity, ier) | r - m |
mass | Mass units. Admissible values are CG_Null, CG_UserDefined, Kilogram, Gram, Slug, and PoundMass. | ||
length | Length units. Admissible values are CG_Null, CG_UserDefined, Meter, Centimeter, Millimeter, Foot, and Inch. | ||
time | Time units. Admissible values are CG_Null, CG_UserDefined, and Second. | ||
temperature | Temperature units. Admissible values are CG_Null, CG_UserDefined, Kelvin, Celsius, Rankine, and Fahrenheit. | ||
angle | Angle units. Admissible values are CG_Null, CG_UserDefined, Degree, and Radian. | ||
current | Electric current units. Admissible values are CG_Null, CG_UserDefined, Ampere, Abampere, Statampere, Edison, and auCurrent. | ||
amount | Substance amount units. Admissible values are CG_Null, CG_UserDefined, Mole, Entities, StandardCubicFoot, and StandardCubicMeter. | ||
intensity | Luminous intensity units. Admissible values are CG_Null, CG_UserDefined, Candela, Candle, Carcel, Hefner, and Violle. | ||
nunits | Number of units used in the file (i.e., either 5 or 8). | ||
ier | Error status. |
The supported units are declared within typedefs in cgnslib.h and as parameters in cgnslib_f.h.
When reading units data, either cg_units_read or cg_unitsfull_read may be used, regardless of the number of units used in the file. If cg_unitsfull_read is used, but only five units are used in the file, the returned values of current, amount, and intensity will be CG_Null.
Functions | Modes |
ier = cg_exponents_write(DataType_t DataType, void *exponents); | - w m |
ier = cg_expfull_write(DataType_t DataType, void *exponents); | - w m |
ier = cg_nexponents(int *nexponents); | r - m |
ier = cg_exponents_info(DataType_t *DataType); | r - m |
ier = cg_exponents_read(void *exponents); | r - m |
ier = cg_expfull_read(void *exponents); | r - m |
call cg_exponents_write_f(DataType, exponents, ier) | - w m |
call cg_expfull_write_f(DataType, exponents, ier) | - w m |
call cg_nexponents_f(nexponents, ier) | r - m |
call cg_exponents_info_f(DataType, ier) | r - m |
call cg_exponents_read_f(exponents, ier) | r - m |
call cg_expfull_read_f(exponents, ier) | r - m |
DataType | Data type in which the exponents are recorded. Admissible data types for the exponents are RealSingle and RealDouble. | ||
exponents | Exponents for the dimensional units for mass, length, time, temperature, angle, electric current, substance amount, and luminous intensity, in that order. | ||
nexponents | Number of exponents used in the file (i.e., either 5 or 8). | ||
ier | Error status. |
When reading exponent data, either cg_exponents_read or cg_expfull_read may be used, regardless of the number of exponents used in the file. If cg_exponents_read is used, but all eight exponents are used in the file, only the first five exponents are returned. If cg_expfull_read is used, but only five exponents are used in the file, the returned values of the exponents for electric current, substance amount, and luminous intensity will be zero.