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Error Handling

Functions Modes
error_message = const char *cg_get_error(); r w m
void cg_error_exit(); r w m
void cg_error_print(); r w m
call cg_get_error_f(error_message) r w m
call cg_error_exit_f() r w m
call cg_error_print_f() r w m

If an error occurs during the execution of a CGNS library function, signified by a non-zero value of the error status variable ier, an error message may be retrieved using the function cg_get_error. The function cg_error_exit may then be used to print the error message and stop the execution of the program. Alternatively, cg_error_print may be used to print the error message and continue execution of the program.

In C, you may define a function to be called automatically in the case of a warning or error using the cg_configure routine. The function is of the form void err_func(int is_error, char *errmsg), and will be called whenever an error or warning occurs. The first argument, is_error, will be 0 for warning messages, 1 for error messages, and −1 if the program is going to terminate (i.e., a call to cg_error_exit). The second argument is the error or warning message.