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CGNS Steering Committee

Meeting Minutes

14 January 2002
Reno, Nevada

The meeting was called to order at 7:00pm. There were 24 attendees, as listed below.

The meeting was adjourned at about 8:30.


   Bob Bush   Pratt & Whitney
Chris Nelson Sverdrup - AEDC
Greg Power Sverdrup - AEDC
Dan Dominik Boeing - Space and Comm
Armen Darian Boeing - Space and Comm
John Dannenhoffer
John Chawner Pointwise
Todd Michal Boeing - Aircraft and Missiles
David Edwards Intelligent Light
Steve Legensky Intelligent Light
Jeanne Mara Intelligent Light
Nick Wyman Pointwise
Craig Day AIAA
Jim French AIAA
Lauren Cambier Onera
Dipankar Choudhory Fluent
Theresa Benyo NASA Glenn
Steve Karman Lockheed Martin
Kozo Fujii ISAS, Japan
Ray Cosner Boeing - Phantom Works
Diane Poirier ICEM CFD Engr
Chris Rumsey NASA Langley
S.V. Ramakrishnan Hypercomp/Boeing
George Papadopoulos Dantec Dynamics