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Handling Errors

The API has an extensive number of checks for errors, relating both to invalid data input as well as SIDS-noncompliance. However, it is not guaranteed that the API will catch all problems prior to reaching the core level. Even then, additional errors can arise due to I/O or invalid input. The list of errors that can arise in the CGIO or database manager core routines may be found in the CGIO User's Guide. If an error occurs, the message given by API or core routine should hopefully be descriptive enough to point to the source of the error.

Known Problems

One known problem that can occur, which is not so much a problem as it is a restriction, relates to links. If a user makes a link from one CGNS file to another, then the linked file must have write permission if the user wishes to open the linking file in CG_MODE_MODIFY or CG_MODE_WRITE mode. In other words, opening a CGNS file in CG_MODE_MODIFY or CG_MODE_WRITE mode implies that the entire CGNS hierarchy, including links (since they are transparent), is accessible in that mode.