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Example Computer Codes

The following computer codes are complete, workable versions of the codes mentioned in the text of this User's Guide (plus some that are not mentioned). They can be obtained from the CGNS site external link. They read and write very simple example CGNS files, in order to help the user understand the CGNS concepts as well as the usage of the API calls. Instructions for compiling them on LINUX systems is contained in comment lines in each program. The following codes are written in both FORTRAN and C. Note that these programs are very unsophisticated, purposefully for ease of readability. Real working codes would be written more generally, with more checks, and would not be as hardwired for particular cases. The codes are listed here by corresponding section.

Structured Grid

Single-Zone Structured Grid

    write_grid_str.f   writes grid
write_grid_str.c writes grid (C-program example)
read_grid_str.f reads grid

Single-Zone Structured Grid and Flow Solution

    write_flowvert_str.f   writes vertex-based flow solution
read_flowvert_str.f reads vertex-based flow solution
write_flowcent_str.f writes cell centered flow solution
read_flowcent_str.f reads cell centered flow solution
write_flowcentrind_str.f writes cell centered flow solution with rind cells
read_flowcentrind_str.f reads cell centered flow solution with rind cells

Single-Zone Structured Grid with Boundary Conditions

    write_bc_str.f   writes PointRange boundary condition patches
read_bc_str.f reads PointRange boundary condition patches
write_bcpnts_str.f writes PointList boundary condition patches
read_bcpnts_str.f reads PointList boundary condition patches

Multi-Zone Structured Grid with 1-to-1 Connectivity

    write_grid2zn_str.f   writes 2-zone grid
read_grid2zn_str.f reads 2-zone grid
write_con2zn_str.f writes 1-to-1 connectivity for 2-zone example
read_con2zn_str.f reads 1-to-1 connectivity for 2-zone example
write_con2zn_genrl_str.f writes general 1-to-1 connectivity for 2-zone example
read_con2zn_genrl_str.f reads general 1-to-1 connectivity for 2-zone example

Unstructured Grid

Single-Zone Unstructured Grid

    write_grid_unst.f   writes grid
read_grid_unst.f reads grid

Single-Zone Unstructured Grid and Flow Solution

    write_flowvert_unst.f   writes vertex-based flow solution
read_flowvert_unst.f reads vertex-based flow solution

Single-Zone Unstructured Grid with Boundary Conditions

    write_bcpnts_unst.f   writes PointList boundary condition patches (FaceCenter)
read_bcpnts_unst.f reads PointList boundary condition patches (FaceCenter)


Convergence History

    write_convergence.f   writes convergence history
read_convergence.f reads convergence history

Descriptor Nodes

    write_descriptor.f   writes descriptor node under CGNSBase_t
read_descriptor.f reads descriptor node under CGNSBase_t

Dimensional Data

    write_dimensional.f   writes dimensional data to an existing grid + flow solution
read_dimensional.f reads dimensional data from an existing grid + flow solution

Nondimensional Data

    write_nondimensional.f   writes nondimensional data to an existing CGNS file
read_nondimensional.f reads nondimensional data from an existing CGNS file

Flow Equation Sets

    write_floweqn_str.f   writes flow equation information for structured example
read_floweqn_str.f reads flow equation information for structured example

Time-Dependent Data

    write_timevert_str.f   writes time-dependent flow soln (as Vertex) for structured example
read_timevert_str.f reads time-dependent flow soln (as Vertex) for structured example