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Export Utilities

This document describes the export routines which convert data CGNS to other formats. The following export utilities are currently available.

PLOT3D cgns_to_plot3d Converts a structured CGNS file to PLOT3D file(s)
Tecplot cgns_to_tecplot Converts a CGNS file to a Tecplot file
AFLR3 cgns_to_aflr3 Converts a CGNS file to an AFLR3 file
FAST cgns_to_fast Converts a CGNS file to a FAST file
VTK cgns_to_vtk Converts a CGNS file to VTK files


Converts a CGNS file containing a structured grid to a PLOT3D XYZ file and Q file (if a solution is present).

Command Line

The program is executed from the command line as:

cgns_to_plot3d options CGNSfile XYZfile Qfile

The input CGNS file, CGNSfile, and PLOT3D XYZ output file, XYZfile, are required. The grid from the CGNS file will be written to the PLOT3D XYZ file. Interfaces in the CGNS file will be output as an iblank array in the XYZ file unless disabled by the -n command line option. If Qfile is specified and a solution exists in the CGNS file, it will be written to Qfile. The command line aptions are: 

option description
-s write as single block PLOT3D file
-p write planar grid format
-n don't write an iblank array. (default is to write one only if interfaces exist)
-f write formatted (ASCII) PLOT3D file. (default is binary)
-u write Fortran unformatted PLOT3D file. (default is binary)
-d use double-precision (64-bit)
-b base use CGNS base index base.
-B name set CGNS base name to name.
-S sol solution to use if multiple (default 1)
-w use volume weighting
-g gamma gamma for data conversions (default is 1.4)

CGNSview Interface

The following panel is created when launched from the CGNSview GUI:

CGNSview PLOT3D export window

This allows interactive selection of the input and output files and options. The Accept button will then construct the command line and run cgns_to_plot3d.


Converts a CGNS file to a Tecplot file.

Command Line

The program is executed from the command line as:

cgns_to_tecplot options CGNSfile Tecplotfile

The input CGNS file, CGNSfile, and Tecplot output file, Tecplotfile, are required. The command line aptions are: 

option description
-a write ASCII Tecplot file (default is binary)
-b base use CGNS base index base.
-B name set CGNS base name to name.
-S sol solution to use if multiple (default 1)
-w use volume weighting

CGNSview Interface

The following panel is created when launched from the CGNSview GUI:

CGNSview Tecplot export window

This allows interactive selection of the input and output files and options. The Accept button will then construct the command line and run cgns_to_tecplot.


Converts a CGNS file to an AFLR3 file.

Command Line

The program is executed from the command line as:

cgns_to_aflr3 options CGNSfile AFLR3file MAPBCfile

The input CGNS file, CGNSfile is required. If the AFLR3 output file, AFLR3file, is not given, the output file name will be constructed from the base name of the CGNS file with the extension .ugrid. The same is done for the BC file, but the extension .mapbc is used. If MAPBCfile is given, then AFLR3file must also be given.

The command line aptions are:

option description
-4 write coordinates as real*4
-8 write coordinates as real*8 (default)
-f write formatted ASCII file
-s write Fortran stream (binary) file (default)
-l write little-endian format
-b write big-endian format (default)
-x indicates that a CGNS BCSymmetryPlane boundary condition should be treated as X-symmetry (6661 in mapbc)
-y indicates that a CGNS BCSymmetryPlane boundary condition should be treated as Y-symmetry (6662 in mapbc)
-z indicates that a CGNS BCSymmetryPlane boundary condition should be treated as Z-symmetry (6663 in mapbc)
-B base set CGNS base index to base (default is 1)
-Z zone set CGNS zone index to zone (default is 1)

CGNSview Interface

The following panel is created when launched from the CGNSview GUI:

CGNSview AFLR3 export window

This allows interactive selection of the input and output files and options. The Accept button will then construct the command line and run cgns_to_aflr3.


Converts a CGNS file to a FAST file.

Command Line

The program is executed from the command line as:

cgns_to_fast options CGNSfile FASTfile MAPBCfile

The input CGNS file, CGNSfile is required. If the FAST output file, FASTfile, is not given, the output file name will be constructed from the base name of the CGNS file with the extension .fgrid. The same is done for the BC file, but the extension .mapbc is used. If MAPBCfile is given, then FASTfile must also be given.

The command line aptions are:

option description
-4 write coordinates as real*4
-8 write coordinates as real*8 (default)
-f write formatted ASCII file
-s write Fortran stream (binary) file (default)
-l write little-endian format
-b write big-endian format (default)
-x indicates that a CGNS BCSymmetryPlane boundary condition should be treated as X-symmetry (6661 in mapbc)
-y indicates that a CGNS BCSymmetryPlane boundary condition should be treated as Y-symmetry (6662 in mapbc)
-z indicates that a CGNS BCSymmetryPlane boundary condition should be treated as Z-symmetry (6663 in mapbc)
-B base set CGNS base index to base (default is 1)
-Z zone set CGNS zone index to zone (default is 1)

CGNSview Interface

The following panel is created when launched from the CGNSview GUI:

CGNSview FAST export window

This allows interactive selection of the input and output files and options. The Accept button will then construct the command line and run cgns_to_fast.


Converts a CGNS file to VTK files.

Command Line

The program is executed from the command line as:

cgns_to_vtk options CGNSfile VTKdir

The input CGNS file, CGNSfile, is required. If the VTK output directory, VTKdir, is given, the VTK files are written to that directory, otherwise the current directory is used. Each zone, and element set (if option -e is selected), whill be written to a seperate VTK file in that directory. The command line aptions are: 

option description
-a write ASCII files (default is binary)
-b base use CGNS base index base, (default is 1)
-z zone use CGNS zone index zone. (default is 0 for all)
-s sol use CGNS solution index sol. (default is 1)
-e write element sets (unstructured zone).
-v verbose printing

CGNSview Interface

The following panel is created when launched from the CGNSview GUI:

CGNSview VTK export window

This allows interactive selection of the input file and output directory and options. The Accept button will then construct the command line and run cgns_to_vtk.