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Data Conversion Utilities

This document describes the conversion routines which operate on CGNS data files. The following conversion utilities are currently available.

Solution Location convert_location Convert between cell-center and vertex solutions
Solution Variables convert_variables Convert between primitive and conserved variables
Dimensionalization convert_dataclass Convert between dimensional and nondimensional variables

Solution Location

Converts the solution in a CGNS file between cell-center and vertex locations.

Command Line

The program is executed from the command line as:

convert_location options CGNSfile newCGNSfile

The input CGNS file, CGNSfile is required. If the output CGNS file, newCGNSfile, is specified the modified CGNS data file will be written to it, otherwise CGNSfile will be modified. The command line options are:

option description
-c convert solution location to cell-center
-v convert solution location to vertex
-w use volume weighted averaging (default is simple averaging)
-b base use CGNS base index base. (default 1)
-z zone read zone number zone (default all zones)
-s sol read solution number sol (default all solutions)
-S name write to solution name (default is same as read)
options valid only for conversion to cell-center
-i add rind cell at imin
-I add rind cell at imax
-j add rind cell at jmin
-J add rind cell at jmax
-k add rind cell at kmin
-K add rind cell at kmax

One of the options, -c or -v must be specified; the others are optional.

CGNSview Interface

The following panel is created when launched from the CGNSview GUI:

CGNSview Solution Location conversion window

This allows interactive selection of the input and output files and options. The Accept button will then construct the command line and run convert_location. If the conversion is successful, CGNSview will read and display the CGNS file.

Solution Variables

Converts the solution in a CGNS file between primitive and conserved variables.

Command Line

The program is executed from the command line as:

convert_variables options CGNSfile newCGNSfile

The input CGNS file, CGNSfile is required. If the output CGNS file, newCGNSfile, is specified the modified CGNS data file will be written to it, otherwise CGNSfile will be modified. The command line options are:

option description
-p convert to primitive variables
-c convert to conserved variables
-f file read conversion expressions from file file
-b base use CGNS base index base. (default 1)
-z zone read zone number zone (default all zones)
-s sol read solution number sol (default all solutions)
-S name write to solution name (default is same as read)
-g gamma value of gamma for conversions (default 1.4)

One of the options, -p, -c or -f must be specified; the others are optional.

CGNSview Interface

The following panel is created when launched from the CGNSview GUI:

CGNSview Solution Variables conversion window

This allows interactive selection of the input and output files and options. The Accept button will then construct the command line and run convert_variables. If the conversion is successful, CGNSview will read and display the CGNS file.


Converts the solution in a CGNS file between dimensional and non-dimensional data.

Command Line

The program is executed from the command line as:

convert_dataclass options CGNSfile newCGNSfile

The input CGNS file, CGNSfile is required. If the output CGNS file, newCGNSfile, is specified the modified CGNS data file will be written to it, otherwise CGNSfile will be modified. The command line options are:

option description
-d convert to Dimensional variables (default)
-n convert to NormalizedByDimensional variables
-u convert to NormalizedByUnknownDimensional variables
-v verbose output - show expression parsing errors, if any
-f file read conversion expressions from file file
-b base use CGNS base index base. (default 1)
-z zone read zone number zone (default all zones)
-s sol read solution number sol (default all solutions)

One of the options, -p, -c or -f must be specified; the others are optional

CGNSview Interface

The following panel is created when launched from the CGNSview GUI:

CGNSview Dimensionalization conversion window

This allows interactive selection of the input and output files and options. The Accept button will then construct the command line and run convert_dataclass. If the conversion is successful, CGNSview will read and display the CGNS file.