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(CGNS Documentation Home Page) (Steering Committee Charter) (Overview and Entry-Level Document) (A User's Guide to CGNS) (Mid-Level Library) (Standard Interface Data Structures) (SIDS File Mapping Manual) (CGIO User's Guide) (Parallel CGNS User's Guide) (ADF Implementation) (HDF5 Implementation) (Python Implementation) (CGNS Tools and Utilities)

(Background) (Mission/Vision/Responsibilities) (Organization/Bylaws) (Standard and Software Governing Principles) (CGNS License)


The CGNS Steering Committee is a voluntary organization that will determine its own policies and internal structure, and will govern by consensus whenever possible. In the absence of consensus, a two-thirds majority of the Committee members will be required to adopt changes to the standard, alter this Charter, or take other official actions.

The CGNS Steering Committee will meet at a minimum of one time per year. The time and location will be determined by consensus of the Committee, and all members of the Committee will be notified in advance.

The members of the CGNS Steering Committee will appoint a Chairperson whose responsibilities will include coordinating activities, facilitating meetings and serving as a focal point for the Committee. The Chairperson will be a member of the Committee, be elected by consensus, and serve for a two-year term. There is no limit on how many terms the Chairperson can be elected. At the discretion of the Chairperson, a Vice-Chairperson may be appointed by consensus of the Committee, to assist the Chairperson with his or her duties. The Vice-Chairperson will also be a member of the Committee. The appointment of a secretary to maintain records will be at the discretion of the Chairperson.

The CGNS Steering Committee may decide to suggest appropriate contributions from its members. The Steering Committee is not prohibited from charging membership fees; the decision whether to do so, and the amount of the fees, lies within the purview of the Steering Committee.

All parties are welcome to bring forward issues and participate in development of the CGNS Standard, whether or not they are members of the Steering Committee.

The decision whether to support the migration of the CGNS standard to ISO/STEP, or any other organization, lies within the purview of the Steering Committee.


The CGNS Steering Committee will be made up of representatives from specific institutions, rather than individuals. Changes or additions to Steering Committee membership will be based on potential contribution to the standard. Membership on the Steering Committee will be limited to 30 institutions that actively participate in the development, maintenance, distribution and use of the CGNS Standard. No more than 5 institutions may be related, i.e., have the same parent organization. Changes to the Membership (including the limit on the number of institutions) will be determined by consensus, or if required, a two-thirds majority of the existing Membership.

To help satisfy the duties of the Steering Committee as a whole, the minimal responsibilities of each individual Steering Committee member are to:

More active participation - including support, software development, and actively working to improve and promote CGNS - is encouraged.

Standing Committees

The CGNS Steering Committee may constitute Standing Committees, in an ongoing or temporary basis, to which it may delegate various responsibilities. The Standing Committees will report and make recommendations to the Steering Committee who will retain the authority to act and make final decisions.

Software and Documentation Support Team

The CGNS Steering Committee will be responsible for selecting one or more organizations to maintain and distribute existing documentation and software, to develop and distribute new software resulting from extensions to the standard, and to post or distribute meeting minutes and other new documentation.

The organization(s) selected to maintain CGNS software will determine the form of newly developed software and maintain compatibility with the existing ADF Core and CGNS API.

The organization(s) selected to maintain CGNS Documentation will be responsible for posting and maintaining on the web the Steering Committee meeting minutes, Charter, and archive information.