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Database-Level Routines

Open a Database

ADF_Database_Open (filename,status,format,root_ID,error_return)

Language C Fortran
Routine Name ADF_Database_Open ADFDOPN
Input const char *filename
const char *status
const char *format
character*(*) filename
character*(*) status
character*(*) format
Output double *root_ID
int *error_return
real*8 root_ID
integer error_return

    filename   A legal file name that may include a relative or absolute path where it is directly usable by the C fopen() system routine (no environment expansion is done).
status Similar to a Fortran OPEN() status. Input is required: there is no default. Allowable values are:

    READ_ONLY   File must exist; writing is not allowed.
OLD File must exist; reading and writing are allowed.
NEW File must not exist.
SCRATCH Temporary new file is created with a system name, and filename is ignored. The temporary file is deleted when the program exits or the file is closed.
UNKNOWN OLD if file exists or else NEW is used.
format Specifies the numeric format for the file. This field is used only when a file is created and is ignored when status = OLD. Allowable values are:

    NATIVE   Use the native numeric format of the computer that creates the file. This is the default for a new file if the input string for format is null. Note that if the native numeric format is not one of the supported formats listed here, then the file cannot be read on machines using any other format.
IEEE_BIG Use the IEEE big endian format.
IEEE_LITTLE Use the IEEE little endian format.
CRAY Use the native CRAY format.
root_ID The root identity of the database.
error_return Error return code.

This routine, ADF_Database_Open, opens a new or existing database. If links to other ADF files exist in the current file, they will be opened only as required. Using this routine is similar to opening a file in Fortran with the corresponding clarifiers, such as whether it is READ_ONLY, OLD, NEW, or named as SCRATCH file.

The format of the file, which is ignored when the status of the file is OLD, is used when the file is first created. Big endian is a binary format in which the most significant byte or bit comes first, whereas in little endian, the most significant byte or bit comes last. To specify the format more explicitly, you can use the following formats:

for IEEE big or little endian formats.


This example opens a new database using the native format of the host computer. Note that the default format is specified by using the empty string. In the C programming language, a null string could have been used.

      CHARACTER*(80) MSG
      REAL*8 RID
      CALL ADFDOPN('db.adf','NEW',' ',RID,IERR)
      IF (IERR .GT. 0) THEN
         PRINT *,MSG

Close a Database

ADF_Database_Close (root_ID,error_return)

Language C Fortran
Routine Name ADF_Database_Close ADFDCLO
Input const double *root_ID real*8 root_ID
Output int *error_return integer error_return

    root_ID   The root identification of the database. This can be a valid node ID for this database.
error_return Error return code.

This routine, ADF_Database_Close, closes an existing database, as well as the other ADF files that may be attached through links. For example, if there is another ADF file that is opened and linked to this database, only the file stream associated with this database will be closed. This routine is similar to the close of a file in Fortran.


This example closes a database. Note that while the root ID is used in the call to ADFDCLO, any valid node ID for this file will work. Also, in general, it is not necessary to close open ADF files when the program exits normally. The standard shutdown procedures will flush all buffers and bring files up to date. The primary use of ADFDCLO is to clean up file tables or to release unused files.

      CHARACTER*(80) MSG
      REAL*8 RID
      CALL ADFDOPN('db.adf','NEW',' ',RID,IERR)
      IF (IERR .GT. 0) THEN
         PRINT *,MSG
      . useful stuff (hopefully)

Delete a File

ADF_Database_Delete (filename,error_return)

Language C Fortran
Routine Name ADF_Database_Delete ADFDDEL
Input const char *filename character*(*) filename
Output int *error_return integer error_return

    filename   A legal file name of an existing ADF database. The filename may include a relative or absolute path where it is directly usable by the C fopen() system routine (no environment expansion is done).
error_return Error return code.

This routine, ADF_Database_Delete, deletes an existing database file. It does not delete links referenced in the database. This routine is similar to the deletion of a file in Fortran.

Note: This routine will be implemented in a future release.

Get the Data Format

ADF_Database_Get_Format (root_ID,format,error_return)

Language C Fortran
Routine Name ADF_Database_Get_Format ADFDGF
Input const double *root_ID real*8 root_ID
Output char *format
int *error_return
character*(*) format
integer error_return

    root_ID   Any valid node ID for the given ADF file.
format The format for the file.
error_return Error return code.

This routine, ADF_Database_Get_Format, gets the data format for an existing database.


This example opens an existing ADF database, creates a new node, and then uses the node ID for the new node to ask what the file type is. Note that the file format is ignored because the database already exists.

      CHARACTER*(80) MSG
      REAL*8 RID,CID
      CALL ADFDOPN('db.adf','OLD',' ',RID,IERR)
      IF (IERR .GT. 0) THEN
         PRINT *,MSG
      CALL ADFCRE(RID,'junk_node',CID,IERR)

Set the Data Format

ADF_Database_Set_Format (root_ID,format,error_return)

Language C Fortran
Routine Name ADF_Database_Set_Format ADFDSF
Input const double *root_ID real*8 root_ID
Output const char *format
int *error_return
character*(*) format
integer error_return

    root_ID   The root identity of the database.
format The numeric format for the file.
error_return Error return code.

This routine, ADF_Database_Set_Format, sets the data format in an existing database.

Note: Use with extreme caution. This routine is needed only for the data conversion utilities and not intended for the general user.