IN: Database identifier. |
IN: Parent node identifier. |
IN: Absolute or relative path name for a node. |
OUT: Node identifier. |
- Error status
r w m
Gets the node identifier for the node specified by pathname
in the database given by cgio_num
if pathname
starts with '/'
, then it is taken as an absolute path and is located based on the root id of the database,
otherwise it is taken to be a relative path from the parent node identified by pid
The function returns 0 and the node identifier in id
on success, else an error code.
IN: Database identifier. |
IN: Node identifier. |
OUT: Node name (max length 32). |
- Error status
r w m
Gets the name of the node identified by id
in the database given by cgio_num
The name is returned in name
, and has a maximum length of CGIO_MAX_NAME_LENGTH
In C, name should be dimensioned at least 33 to allow for the terminating '0'
The function returns 0 for success, else an error code.
IN: Database identifier. |
IN: Parent node identifier. |
IN: Node identifier. |
IN: Node name (max length 32). |
- Error status
- w m
Sets (renames) the node identified by id
in the database given by cgio_num
to name
The parent node identifier is given by pid
. There must not already exist a child node of pid
with that name. The function return 0 on success, else an error code.
IN: Database identifier. |
IN: Node identifier. |
OUT: Node label (max length 32). |
- Error status
r w m
Gets the label of the node identified by id in the database given by cgio_num. The label is returned in label, and has a maximum length of CGIO_MAX_LABEL_LENGTH (32). In C, label should be dimensioned at least 33 to allow for the terminating ‘0’. The function returns 0 for success, else an error code.
IN: Database identifier. |
IN: Node identifier. |
IN: Node label (max length 32). |
- Error status
- w m
Sets the label of the node identified by id
in the database given by cgio_num
to label.
The function return 0 on success, else an error code.
IN: Database identifier. |
IN: Node identifier. |
OUT: Type of data contained in the node. One of “MT”, “I4”, “I8”, “U4”, “U8”, “R4”, “R8, “C1”, or “B1”. |
- Error status
r w m
Gets the data type of the data associated with the node identified by id
in the database given by cgio_num
The data type is returned in data_type
, and has a maximum length of CGIO_MAX_DATATYPE_LENGTH
In C, data_type should be dimensioned at least 3 to allow for the terminating '0'
The function returns 0 for success, else an error code.
IN: Database identifier. |
IN: Node identifier. |
OUT: Number of dimensions for the data (max 12). |
OUT: Data dimension values (ndims values). |
- Error status
r w m
Gets the dimensions of the data associated with the node identified by id
in the database given by cgio_num
The number of dimensions is returned in ndims
and the dimension values in dims
Since the maximum number of dimensions is CGIO_MAX_DIMENSIONS
(12), dims
should be dimensioned 12, unless the actual number of dimensions is already known.
The function returns 0 for success, else an error code.
IN: Database identifier. |
IN: Node identifier. |
IN: Type of data contained in the node. One of “MT”, “I4”, “I8”, “U4”, “U8”, “R4”, “R8, “C1”, or “B1”. |
IN: Number of dimensions for the data (max 12). |
IN: Data dimension values (ndims values). |
- Error status
- w m
Sets the data type and dimensions for data associated with the node identified by id
in the database given by cgio_num
The data type (data_type
) as one of:
“MT” |
An empty node containing no data |
“I4” |
32-bit integer (int or integer*4) |
“I8” |
64-bit integer (cglong_t or integer*8) |
“U4” |
32-bit unsigned integer (unsigned int or integer*4) |
“U8” |
64-bit unsigned integer (cgulong_t or integer*8) |
“R4” |
32-bit real (float or real*4) |
“R8” |
64-bit real (double or real*8) |
“X4” |
64-bit complex (complex or complex*8) |
“X8” |
128-bit complex (complex double or complex*16) |
“C1” |
character (char or character) |
“B1” |
unsigned bytes (unsigned char or character*1) |
The number of dimensions is given by ndims
(maximum is 12), and the dimension values by dims
. Note that any existing data for the node will be destroyed. To add the data to the node, use one of the data writing routines.
The function returns 0 for success, else an error code.