

Plot3dg_to_CGNS external link Converts a “standard” Plot3D grid file to a CGNS grid file. Contact: Please send any inquiries to the CGNStalk discussion forum.

CGNS_to_Plot3d external link Converts a CGNS file with a cell-centered solution to “standard” Plot3D grid and solution files. Contact: Please send any inquiries to the CGNStalk discussion forum.

CGNS_readhist external link Reads a CGNS file and writes history data to a formatted file. Contact: Please send any inquiries to the CGNStalk discussion forum.

FTU external link Converts CGNS files to and from Plot3D format. Has a text-based menu allowing the manipulation of a CGNS base. Contact: Please send any inquiries to the CGNStalk discussion forum.

CGNSview external link A CGNS file viewer and editor; requires Tcl/Tk 8.3 or above. The GUI allows complete editing of CGNS files (both ADF and HDF5), and handles links and data conversions. It works at the CGIO interface level, and thus is not affected by “bad” CGNS files. It includes built-in CGNS node and label information, and documentation support through HTML (including access to all CGNS docs). Contact: Bruce Wedan (

CGNS Tools external link A variety of tools for viewing, editing, and manipulating the contents of CGNS files; requires Tcl/Tk 8.3 or above. Included are: CGNSplot, for plotting grids CGNScalc, a calculator using data in CGNS files Utilities for converting from Patran, and from/to PLOT3D and Tecplot Utilities for modifying the grid location (vertex or cell-center), solution variables (primitive or conservative), and data class (Dimensional, NormalizedByDimensional, or NormalizedByUnknownDimensional) Utilities for creating a subset or interpolated version of a CGNS file These may be used as stand-alone utilities, or initiated from CGNSview, which is included. Contact: Bruce Wedan (