CGNS/PMLL examples

The following examples create a 4x4x4 cube of hexahedral elements using parallel data output. A cell-centered solution field and a data array under a user-defined node are also created. Each process writes a subset of the total data based on it’s rank and the number of processes.

Fortran Example

      program fexample

#ifdef WINNT
      include 'cgnswin_f.h'
      include 'cgnslib_f.h'
      include 'mpif.h'

      integer nperside, totnodes, totelems
      parameter (nperside = 5)
      parameter (totnodes=nperside*nperside*nperside)
      parameter (totelems=(nperside-1)*(nperside-1)*(nperside-1))

      integer commsize, commrank, ierr
      integer i, j, k, n, nn, ne
      integer F, B, Z, E, S, Fs, Cx, Cy, Cz, A
      integer nnodes, nelems
      integer sizes(3), start, end
      real*4 fx(totnodes), fy(totnodes), fz(totnodes), fd(totelems)
      integer ie(8*totelems)

!---- initialize MPI
      call MPI_INIT(ierr)
      call MPI_COMM_SIZE(MPI_COMM_WORLD, commsize, ierr)
      call MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD, commrank, ierr)

!---- open file and create base and zone
      sizes(1) = totnodes
      sizes(2) = totelems
      sizes(3) = 0

!---- default is MPI_COMM_WORLD, but can set another
!     communicator with this
!     call cgp_mpi_comm_f(MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr)

      call cgp_open_f('fexample.cgns', CG_MODE_WRITE, F, ierr)
      if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cgp_error_exit_f
      call cg_base_write_f(F, 'Base', 3, 3, B, ierr)
      if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cgp_error_exit_f
      call cg_zone_write_f(F, B, 'Zone', sizes, Unstructured, Z, ierr)
      if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cgp_error_exit_f

!---- print info
      if (commrank .eq. 0) then
        print *, 'writing',totnodes,' coordinates and', totelems,
     &           ' hex elements to fexample.cgns'

!---- create data nodes for coordinates
      call cgp_coord_write_f(F, B, Z, RealSingle, 'CoordinateX',
     &                       Cx, ierr)
      if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cgp_error_exit_f
      call cgp_coord_write_f(F, B, Z, RealSingle, 'CoordinateY',
     &                       Cy, ierr)
      if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cgp_error_exit_f
      call cgp_coord_write_f(F, B, Z, RealSingle, 'CoordinateZ',
     &                       Cz, ierr)

!---- number of nodes and range this process will write
      nnodes = (totnodes + commsize - 1) / commsize
      start  = nnodes * commrank + 1
      end    = nnodes * (commrank + 1)
      if (end .gt. totnodes) end = totnodes

!---- create the coordinate data for this process
      nn = 1
      n  = 1
      do k=1,nperside
        do j=1,nperside
          do i=1,nperside
            if (n .ge. start .and. n .le. end) then
              fx(nn) = i
              fy(nn) = j
              fz(nn) = k
              nn = nn + 1
            n = n + 1

!---- write the coordinate data in parallel
      call cgp_coord_write_data_f(F, B, Z, Cx, start, end, fx, ierr)
      if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cgp_error_exit_f
      call cgp_coord_write_data_f(F, B, Z, Cy, start, end, fy, ierr)
      if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cgp_error_exit_f
      call cgp_coord_write_data_f(F, B, Z, Cz, start, end, fz, ierr)
      if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cgp_error_exit_f

!---- create data node for elements
      call cgp_section_write_f(F, B, Z, 'Hex', HEXA_8, 1, totelems,
     &                         0, E, ierr)
      if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cgp_error_exit_f

!---- number of elements and range this process will write
      nelems = (totelems + commsize - 1) / commsize
      start  = nelems * commrank + 1
      end    = nelems * (commrank + 1)
      if (end .gt. totelems) end = totelems

!---- create the hex element data for this process
      nn = 0
      n  = 1
      do k=1,nperside-1
        do j=1,nperside-1
          do i=1,nperside-1
            if (n .ge. start .and. n .le. end) then
              ne = i + nperside*((j-1)+nperside*(k-1))
              ie(nn+1) = ne
              ie(nn+2) = ne + 1
              ie(nn+3) = ne + 1 + nperside
              ie(nn+4) = ne + nperside
              ne = ne + nperside*nperside
              ie(nn+5) = ne
              ie(nn+6) = ne + 1
              ie(nn+7) = ne + 1 + nperside
              ie(nn+8) = ne + nperside
              nn = nn + 8
            n = n + 1

!---- write the element connectivity in parallel
      call cgp_elements_write_data_f(F, B, Z, E, start, end, ie, ierr)
      if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cgp_error_exit_f

!---- create a centered solution
      call cg_sol_write_f(F, B, Z, 'Solution', CellCenter, S, ierr)
      if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cgp_error_exit_f
      call cgp_field_write_f(F, B, Z, S, RealSingle, 'CellIndex',
     &                       Fs, ierr)
      if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cgp_error_exit_f

!---- create the field data for this process
      nn = 1
      do n=1, totelems
        if (n .ge. start .and. n .le. end) then
          fd(nn) = n
          nn = nn + 1

!---- write the solution field data in parallel
      call cgp_field_write_data_f(F, B, Z, S, Fs, start, end, fd, ierr)
      if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cgp_error_exit_f

!---- create user data under the zone and duplicate solution data
      call cg_goto_f(F, B, ierr, 'Zone_t', 1, 'end')
      if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cgp_error_exit_f
      call cg_user_data_write_f('User Data', ierr)
      if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cgp_error_exit_f
      call cg_gorel_f(F, ierr, 'User Data', 0, 'end')
      if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cgp_error_exit_f
      call cgp_array_write_f('CellIndex', RealSingle, 1, totelems,
     &                       A, ierr)
      if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cgp_error_exit_f

!---- write the array data in parallel
      call cgp_array_write_data_f(A, start, end, fd, ierr)
      if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cgp_error_exit_f

!---- close the file and terminate MPI
      call cgp_close_f(F, ierr)
      if (ierr .ne. CG_OK) call cgp_error_exit_f
      call MPI_FINALIZE(ierr)

C example

#include <stdio.h>;
#include <stdlib.h>;

#include "pcgnslib.h"
#include "mpi.h"

#define NODES_PER_SIDE 5

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int comm_size, comm_rank;
    int tot_nnodes, tot_nelems, nnodes, nelems;
    int F, B, Z, E, S, Fs, A, Cx, Cy, Cz;
    int i, j, k, n, nn, ne;
    float *x, *y, *z, *d;
    cgsize_t sizes[3], *e, start, end, ncells;
    static char *outfile = "cexample.cgns";

    /* initialize MPI */
    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &comm_size);
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &comm_rank);

    /* total number of nodes and hex elements */
    tot_nelems = (NODES_PER_SIDE-1) * (NODES_PER_SIDE-1) * (NODES_PER_SIDE-1);

    /* open the file and create base and zone */
    sizes[0] = tot_nnodes;
    sizes[1] = tot_nelems;
    sizes[2] = 0;

    /* the default here is to use MPI_COMM_WORLD,
       but this allows assigning of another communicator
    cgp_mpi_comm(MPI_COMM_WORLD); */

    if (cgp_open(outfile, CG_MODE_WRITE, &F) ||
        cg_base_write(F, "Base", 3, 3, &B) ||
        cg_zone_write(F, B, "Zone", sizes, Unstructured, &Z))

    /* print info */
    if (comm_rank == 0) {
        printf("writing %d coordinates and %d hex elements to %s\n",
            tot_nnodes, tot_nelems, outfile);

    /* create data nodes for coordinates */
    if (cgp_coord_write(F, B, Z, RealSingle, "CoordinateX", &Cx) ||
        cgp_coord_write(F, B, Z, RealSingle, "CoordinateY", &Cy) ||
        cgp_coord_write(F, B, Z, RealSingle, "CoordinateZ", &Cz))

    /* number of nodes and range this process will write */
    nnodes = (tot_nnodes + comm_size - 1) / comm_size;
    start  = nnodes * comm_rank + 1;
    end    = nnodes * (comm_rank + 1);
    if (end &gt; tot_nnodes) end = tot_nnodes;

    /* create the coordinate data for this process */
    x = (float *)malloc(nnodes * sizeof(float));
    y = (float *)malloc(nnodes * sizeof(float));
    z = (float *)malloc(nnodes * sizeof(float));
    nn = 0;
    for (n = 1, k = 0; k &lt; NODES_PER_SIDE; k++) {
        for (j = 0; j &lt; NODES_PER_SIDE; j++) {
            for (i = 0; i &lt; NODES_PER_SIDE; i++, n++) {
                if (n &gt;= start && n &lt;= end) {
                    x[nn] = (float)i;
                    y[nn] = (float)j;
                    z[nn] = (float)k;

    /* write the coordinate data in parallel */
    if (cgp_coord_write_data(F, B, Z, Cx, &start, &end, x) ||
        cgp_coord_write_data(F, B, Z, Cy, &start, &end, y) ||
        cgp_coord_write_data(F, B, Z, Cz, &start, &end, z))

    /* create data node for elements */
    if (cgp_section_write(F, B, Z, "Hex", HEXA_8, 1, tot_nelems, 0, &E))

    /* number of elements and range this process will write */
    nelems = (tot_nelems + comm_size - 1) / comm_size;
    start  = nelems * comm_rank + 1;
    end    = nelems * (comm_rank + 1);
    if (end &gt; tot_nelems) end = tot_nelems;

    /* create the hex element data for this process */
    e = (cgsize_t *)malloc(8 * nelems * sizeof(cgsize_t));
    nn = 0;
    for (n = 1, k = 1; k &lt; NODES_PER_SIDE; k++) {
        for (j = 1; j &lt; NODES_PER_SIDE; j++) {
            for (i = 1; i &lt; NODES_PER_SIDE; i++, n++) {
                if (n &gt;= start && n &lt;= end) {
                    ne = i + NODES_PER_SIDE*((j-1)+NODES_PER_SIDE*(k-1));
                    e[nn++] = ne;
                    e[nn++] = ne + 1;
                    e[nn++] = ne + 1 + NODES_PER_SIDE;
                    e[nn++] = ne + NODES_PER_SIDE;
                    ne += NODES_PER_SIDE * NODES_PER_SIDE;
                    e[nn++] = ne;
                    e[nn++] = ne + 1;
                    e[nn++] = ne + 1 + NODES_PER_SIDE;
                    e[nn++] = ne + NODES_PER_SIDE;

    /* write the element connectivity in parallel */
    if (cgp_elements_write_data(F, B, Z, E, start, end, e))

    /* create a centered solution */
    if (cg_sol_write(F, B, Z, "Solution", CellCenter, &S) ||
        cgp_field_write(F, B, Z, S, RealSingle, "CellIndex", &Fs))

    /* create the field data for this process */
    d = (float *)malloc(nelems * sizeof(float));
    nn = 0;
    for (n = 1; n &lt;= tot_nelems; n++) {
        if (n &gt;= start && n &lt;= end) {
            d[nn] = (float)n;

    /* write the solution field data in parallel */
    if (cgp_field_write_data(F, B, Z, S, Fs, &start, &end, d))

    /* create user data under the zone and duplicate solution data */
    ncells = tot_nelems;
    if (cg_goto(F, B, "Zone_t", 1, NULL) ||
        cg_user_data_write("User Data") ||
        cg_gorel(F, "User Data", 0, NULL) ||
        cgp_array_write("CellIndex", RealSingle, 1, &ncells, &A))

    /* write the array data in parallel */
    if (cgp_array_write_data(A, &start, &end, d))

    /* close the file and terminate MPI */
    return 0;