Grid Connectivity
CGNS Mid-Level Library - Grid Connectivity
Grid Connectivity
- One-to-One Connectivity
- Get total number of 1-to-1 interfaces in a database
- Read data for all 1-to-1 interfaces in a database
- Write 1-to-1 connectivity data for a zone
- Get number of 1-to-1 interfaces in a zone
- Read 1-to-1 connectivity data for a zone
- Generalized Connectivity
- Write generalized connectivity data
- Write generalized connectivity data without donor information
- Get number of generalized connectivity interfaces in a zone
- Get info about a generalized connectivity interface
- Read generalized connectivity data
- Special Grid Connectivity Properties
- Write data for periodic interface
- Write data for averaging interface
- Read data for periodic interface
- Read data for averaging interface
- Overset Holes
- Write overset hole data
- Get number of overset holes in a zone
- Get info about an overset hole
- Read overset hole data
1-to-1 Connectivity
Node: GridConnectivity1to1_t
File Mapping)
| Modes
ier = cg_n1to1_global(int fn, int B, int *n1to1_global);
r - m
ier = cg_1to1_read_global(int fn, int B, char **connectname,
char **zonename, char **donorname, cgsize_t **range,
cgsize_t **donor_range, int **transform);
r - m
call cg_n1to1_global_f(fn, B, n1to1_global, ier)
r - m
call cg_1to1_read_global_f(fn, B, connectname, zonename,
donorname, range, donor_range, transform, ier)
r - m
| fn |
| CGNS file index number.
| B |
| Base index number, where 1 ≤ B ≤ nbases .
| n1to1_global |
| Total number of one-to-one interfaces in base B ,
stored under GridConnectivity1to1_t nodes.
(I.e., this does not include one-to-one interfaces that may be
stored under GridConnectivity_t nodes, used for
generalized zone interfaces.)
Note that the function cg_n1to1 (described below) may
be used to get the number of one-to-one interfaces in a specific
| connectname |
| Name of the interface.
| zonename |
| Name of the first zone, for all one-to-one interfaces in base
B .
| donorname |
| Name of the second zone, for all one-to-one interfaces in base
B .
| range |
| Range of points for the first zone, for all one-to-one interfaces
in base B .
| donor_range |
| Range of points for the current zone, for all one-to-one interfaces
in base B .
| transform |
| Short hand notation for the
transformation matrix
defining the relative orientation of the two zones.
This transformation is given for all one-to-one interfaces in
base B .
| ier |
| Error status.
The above functions may be used to get information about all the
one-to-one zone interfaces in a CGNS database.
| Modes
ier = cg_1to1_write(int fn, int B, int Z, char *connectname,
char *donorname, cgsize_t *range, cgsize_t *donor_range,
int *transform, int *I);
- w m
ier = cg_n1to1(int fn, int B, int Z, int *n1to1);
r - m
ier = cg_1to1_read(int fn, int B, int Z, int I, char *connectname,
char *donorname, cgsize_t *range, cgsize_t *donor_range,
int *transform);
r - m
call cg_1to1_write_f(fn, B, Z, connectname, donorname, range,
donor_range, transform, I, ier)
- w m
call cg_n1to1_f(fn, B, Z, n1to1, ier)
r - m
call cg_1to1_read_f(fn, B, Z, I, connectname, donorname, range,
donor_range, transform, ier)
r - m
| fn |
| CGNS file index number.
| B |
| Base index number, where 1 ≤ B ≤ nbases .
| Z |
| Zone index number, where 1 ≤ Z ≤ nzones .
| I |
| Interface index number, where
1 ≤ I ≤ n1to1 .
| n1to1 |
| Number of one-to-one interfaces in zone Z , stored under
GridConnectivity1to1_t nodes.
(I.e., this does not include one-to-one interfaces that may be
stored under GridConnectivity_t nodes, used for
generalized zone interfaces.)
| connectname |
| Name of the interface.
| donorname |
| Name of the zone interfacing with the current zone.
| range |
| Range of points for the current zone.
| donor_range |
| Range of points for the donor zone.
| transform |
| Short hand notation for the
transformation matrix
defining the relative orientation of the two zones.
| ier |
| Error status.
The above functions are used to read and write one-to-one connectivity
data for a specific zone.
Generalized Connectivity
Node: GridConnectivity_t
File Mapping)
| Modes
ier = cg_conn_write(int fn, int B, int Z, char *connectname,
GridLocation_t location, GridConnectivityType_t connect_type,
PointSetType_t ptset_type, cgsize_t npnts, cgsize_t *pnts,
char *donorname, ZoneType_t donor_zonetype,
PointSetType_t donor_ptset_type, DataType_t donor_datatype,
cgsize_t ndata_donor, cgsize_t *donor_data, int *I);
- w m
ier = cg_conn_write_short(int fn, int B, int Z, char *connectname,
GridLocation_t location, GridConnectivityType_t connect_type,
PointSetType_t ptset_type, cgsize_t npnts, cgsize_t *pnts, char *donorname,
int *I);
- w m
ier = cg_nconns(int fn, int B, int Z, int *nconns);
r - m
ier = cg_conn_info(int fn, int B, int Z, int I, char *connectname,
GridLocation_t *location, GridConnectivityType_t *connect_type,
PointSetType_t *ptset_type, cgsize_t *npnts, char *donorname,
ZoneType_t *donor_zonetype, PointSetType_t *donor_ptset_type,
DataType_t *donor_datatype, cgsize_t *ndata_donor);
r - m
ier = cg_conn_read(int fn, int B, int Z, int I, cgsize_t *pnts,
DataType_t donor_datatype, cgsize_t *donor_data);
r - m
ier = cg_conn_read_short(int fn, int B, int Z, int I, cgsize_t *pnts);
r - m
call cg_conn_write_f(fn, B, Z, connectname, location, connect_type,
ptset_type, npnts, pnts, donorname, donor_zonetype,
donor_ptset_type, donor_datatype, ndata_donor, donor_data,
I, ier)
- w m
call cg_conn_write_short_f(fn, B, Z, connectname, location, connect_type,
ptset_type, npnts, pnts, donorname, I, ier)
- w m
call cg_nconns_f(fn, B, Z, nconns, ier)
r - m
call cg_conn_info_f(fn, B, Z, I, connectname, location,
connect_type, ptset_type, npnts, donorname, donor_zonetype,
donor_ptset_type, donor_datatype, ndata_donor, ier)
r - m
call cg_conn_read_f(fn, B, Z, I, pnts, donor_datatype, donor_data, ier)
r - m
call cg_conn_read_short_f(fn, B, Z, I, pnts, ier)
r - m
| fn |
| CGNS file index number.
| B |
| Base index number, where 1 ≤ B ≤ nbases .
| Z |
| Zone index number, where 1 ≤ Z ≤ nzones .
| I |
| Interface index number, where
1 ≤ I ≤ nconns .
| nconns |
| Number of interfaces for zone Z .
| connectname |
| Name of the interface.
| location |
| Grid location used in the definition of the point set.
The currently admissible locations are Vertex and
CellCenter .
| connect_type |
| Type of interface being defined.
The admissible types are Overset , Abutting ,
and Abutting1to1 .
| ptset_type |
| Type of point set defining the interface in the current zone;
either PointRange or PointList .
| donor_ptset_type |
| Type of point set defining the interface in the donor zone;
either PointListDonor or CellListDonor .
| npnts |
| Number of points defining the interface in the current zone.
For a ptset_type of PointRange , npnts
is always two.
For a ptset_type of PointList , npnts is
the number of points in the PointList .
| ndata_donor |
| Number of points or cells in the current zone.
These are paired with points, cells, or fractions thereof in the
donor zone.
| donorname |
| Name of the zone interfacing with the current zone.
| donor_datatype |
| Data type in which the donor points are stored in the file.
As of Version 3.0, this value is ignored when writing, and on
reading it will return either Integer or LongInteger
depending on whether the file was written using 32 or 64-bit.
The donor_datatype argument was left in these functions
only for backward compatibility. The donor data is always read
as cgsize_t .
| pnts |
| Array of points defining the interface in the current zone.
| donor_data |
| Array of donor points or cells corresponding to
ndata_donor .
Note that it is possible that the same donor point or cell may
be used multiple times.
| donor_zonetype |
| Type of the donor zone.
The admissible types are Structured and Unstructured .
| ier |
| Error status.
Note that the interpolation factors stored
in the InterpolantsDonor
data array are accessed using the
Special Grid Connectivity Properties
Node: GridConnectivityProperty_t
File Mapping)
| Modes
ier = cg_conn_periodic_write(int fn, int B, int Z, int I,
float *RotationCenter, float *RotationAngle, float *Translation);
- w m
ier = cg_conn_average_write(int fn, int B, int Z, int I,
AverageInterfaceType_t AverageInterfaceType);
- w m
ier = cg_1to1_periodic_write(int fn, int B, int Z, int I,
float *RotationCenter, float *RotationAngle, float *Translation);
- w m
ier = cg_1to1_average_write(int fn, int B, int Z, int I,
AverageInterfaceType_t AverageInterfaceType);
- w m
ier = cg_conn_periodic_read(int fn, int B, int Z, int I,
float *RotationCenter, float *RotationAngle, float *Translation);
r - m
ier = cg_conn_average_read(int fn, int B, int Z, int I,
AverageInterfaceType_t *AverageInterfaceType);
r - m
ier = cg_1to1_periodic_read(int fn, int B, int Z, int I,
float *RotationCenter, float *RotationAngle, float *Translation);
r - m
ier = cg_1to1_average_read(int fn, int B, int Z, int I,
AverageInterfaceType_t *AverageInterfaceType);
r - m
call cg_conn_periodic_write_f(fn, B, Z, I, RotationCenter,
RotationAngle, Translation, ier)
- w m
call cg_conn_average_write_f(fn, B, Z, I, AverageInterfaceType, ier)
- w m
call cg_1to1_periodic_write_f(fn, B, Z, I, RotationCenter,
RotationAngle, Translation, ier)
- w m
call cg_1to1_average_write_f(fn, B, Z, I, AverageInterfaceType, ier)
- w m
call cg_conn_periodic_read_f(fn, B, Z, I, RotationCenter,
RotationAngle, Translation, ier)
r - m
call cg_conn_average_read_f(fn, B, Z, I, AverageInterfaceType, ier)
r - m
call cg_1to1_periodic_read_f(fn, B, Z, I, RotationCenter,
RotationAngle, Translation, ier)
r - m
call cg_1to1_average_read_f(fn, B, Z, I, AverageInterfaceType, ier)
r - m
| fn |
| CGNS file index number.
| B |
| Base index number, where
1 ≤ B ≤ nbases .
| Z |
| Zone index number, where
1 ≤ Z ≤ nzones .
| I |
| Grid connectivity index number, where
1 ≤ I ≤ nconns for the "cg_conn "
functions, and 1 ≤ I ≤ n1to1 for the
"cg_1to1 " functions.
| RotationCenter |
| An array of size phys_dim defining
the coordinates of the origin for defining the rotation angle
between the periodic interfaces.
(phys_dim is the number of coordinates required to
define a vector in the field.)
(In Fortran, this is an array of Real*4 values.)
| RotationAngle |
| An array of size phys_dim defining
the rotation angle from the current interface to the connecting
If rotating about more than one axis, the rotation is performed
first about the x-axis, then the y-axis, then the z-axis.
(In Fortran, this is an array of Real*4 values.)
| Translation |
| An array of size phys_dim defining
the translation from the current interface to the connecting
(In Fortran, this is an array of Real*4 values.)
| AverageInterfaceType |
| The type of averaging to be done.
Valid types are CG_Null , CG_UserDefined ,
AverageAll , AverageCircumferential ,
AverageRadial , AverageI , AverageJ , and
AverageK .
| ier |
| Error status.
These functions may be used to store special grid connectivity properties.
The "cg_conn
" functions apply to generalized grid
connectivity nodes (i.e., GridConnectivity_t
), and the
" functions apply to 1-to-1 grid connectivity nodes
(i.e., GridConnectivity1to1_t
The "write
" functions will create the
node if it doesn't already exist,
then add the appropriate connectivity property.
Multiple grid connectivity properties may be recorded under the same
The "read
" functions will return with ier
= 2 =
if the requested connectivity property, or the
node itself, doesn't exist.
Overset Holes
Node: OversetHoles_t
File Mapping)
| Modes
ier = cg_hole_write(int fn, int B, int Z, char *holename,
GridLocation_t location, PointSetType_t ptset_type, int nptsets,
cgsize_t npnts, cgsize_t *pnts, int *I);
- w m
ier = cg_nholes(int fn, int B, int Z, int *nholes);
r - m
ier = cg_hole_info(int fn, int B, int Z, int I, char *holename,
GridLocation_t *location, PointSetType_t *ptset_type, int *nptsets,
cgsize_t *npnts);
r - m
ier = cg_hole_read(int fn, int B, int Z, int I, cgsize_t *pnts);
r - m
call cg_hole_write_f(fn, B, Z, holename, location, ptset_type,
nptsets, npnts, pnts, I, ier)
- w m
call cg_nholes_f(fn, B, Z, nholes, ier)
r - m
call cg_hole_info_f(fn, B, Z, I, holename, location, ptset_type,
nptsets, npnts, ier)
r - m
call cg_hole_read_f(fn, B, Z, I, pnts, ier)
r - m
| fn |
| CGNS file index number.
| B |
| Base index number, where 1 ≤ B ≤ nbases .
| Z |
| Zone index number, where 1 ≤ Z ≤ nzones .
| I |
| Overset hole index number, where
1 ≤ I ≤ nholes .
| nholes |
| Number of overset holes in zone Z .
| holename |
| Name of the overset hole.
| location |
| Grid location used in the definition of the point set.
The currently admissible locations are Vertex and
CellCenter .
| ptset_type |
| The extent of the overset hole may be defined using a range of
points or cells, or using a discrete list of all points or cells
in the overset hole.
If a range of points or cells is used, ptset_type is set
to PointRange .
When a discrete list of points or cells is used,
ptset_type equals PointList .
| nptsets |
| Number of point sets used to define the hole.
If ptset_type is PointRange , several point sets
may be used.
If ptset_type is PointList , only one point set
is allowed.
| npnts |
| Number of points (or cells) in the point set.
For a ptset_type of PointRange , npnts
is always two.
For a ptset_type of PointList , npnts is
the number of points or cells in the PointList .
| pnts |
| Array of points or cells in the point set.
| ier |
| Error status.