CGNS Steering Committee Telecon Minutes

18 March 2010



1)      The telecon was called to order at 11:00 AM eastern time.  There were 10 attendees, listed in Attachment 1.


2)      The minutes of the 28 January 2010 telecon were approved as posted on the web site.


3)      Status of CGNS Version 3.0

a)      It was noted previously that there was a recent faulty commit that incorrectly removed a flag attribute.  We do not know if this has been corrected yet. Hauser and Poinot to coordinate to fix the faulty commit.

b)      We would like to have a new beta release in April, with announcement. Hauser has a student working the 4 byte integer limit issue. Hopefully it can be fixed in the new beta release, but we should not hold up release solely because of it. Plan for official 3.1 release by July. It was pointed out that software companies will not implement V3 until V3.1 gets officially released, and even then there will be some delay.

c)      Why was new element type not added to the end of the list for V3.0? Because of NGON+ … types. V3.0 automatically converts old files to fix this. However, we do not have forward compatibility.  But Wedan says there is a cgns version program in Tools that can convert between 2.5 and 3.0.

d)     Jim Jiao (Stonybrook U) had brought up several issues with V3.0 on CGNSTalk 03/09/2010.

i)        Bug in CGNSDLL int cg_field_read needs to be fixed.

ii)      3.0 compatibility issues with 2.5.  See note above about cgns version program in Tools that can convert between 2.5 and 3.0.

iii)    Need 3.0 to be able to also compile with HDF 1.6 (even though links will not work). Wedan to add ifdefs to V3.0 so can still compile with HDF 1.6.

iv)    We need to provide binary releases of the new software.


4)      Status of previous action items

a)      Thomas to update website “Download” page, including making list of what is new in V3.0 compared to V2.5 – including new MLL calls/changes, and either send to Rumsey to post on website or post directly himself.

i)        Carries.

b)      Hauser to enable Track/Wiki capability on SourceForge for CGNS.

i)        Carries.

c)      Duque and Hauser to continue to look into the consortium idea for CGNS, including more active support of HDF-5 consortium.

i)        Carries. They will also look into NSF software infrastructure for sustained innovation.

d)     Rumsey to obtain and post Boeing’s CGNS translation tools (from Michal) when they are ready.

i)        Not done as of end of January. Action removed.

e)      Poinot to split Rigid Motion Proposal into 2 parts: part associated to families can be accepted/implemented right away.

i)        Carries.

f)       Hauser will add HDF-5 parallel code (alpha version) to SourceForge and will let users know when it is available.

i)        Carries.

g)      Iannetti to develop starting point for proposal for handling sprays of unconnected points, and work with Hauser and Duque to bring it to fruition.

i)        Carries.

h)      Wedan to document changes to MLL calls for V3.0 (e.g., is_cgns, cg_section_partial_write, cg_element_partial_write), and send to Iannetti for posting to V3.0(beta) docs pages.

i)        Carries. Still has cgio to do.

i)        Hauser to fix both the “long” vs “int” issue as well as the problem with the 64-bit cg_goto_f.

i)        Carries.

j)        Hauser to send details and a link to his recent paper on parallel I/O with CGNS to Ianetti, for posting on the CGNS website

i)        Carries.

k)      Iannetti to fix HTML version of Dec 2009 minutes.

i)        Done.

l)        Rumsey will finalize the new Tutorial presentation slides and send to Iannetti for posting on the website.

i)        Sent to Iannetti, but not posted yet.

m)    Iannetti to post CGNSTalk archive files on the doc webpage.

i)        Done.

n)      Rumsey to modify 3rd paragraph on “Switch to HDF” page, and also to switch ISO page with the Applications info on the FAQs page.

i)        Done.

o)      Hauser to correct the faulty 3.0 commit and replace flag attribute capability.

i)        Carries.

p)      Hauser or his student to tar up official release of V3 after final testing and announce it.

i)        Carries.

q)      Hauser to tar up the docs (developer’s documentation) which are part of the release and send to Iannetti for posting.

i)        Carries.

r)       Rumsey to email a plea to the committee to try to find volunteer to be vice-chair.

i)        Done.  No responses.

s)       Rumsey to email to Hauser a list of steering committee members who have not participated at all over the last 2 years.

i)        Done. Rumsey to email inactive members.

t)       Rumsey to email to Weber a list of benefits of CGNS.

u)      Done.

v)      Iannetti to email information on submission process for R&D 100 award to Hauser & Rumsey.

i)        Done. We cannot apply this year because new software must be released first.


5)      Next Telecon tentatively set for Thu, April 29, 2010, 11 am eastern.


6)      Summary of action items:


a)      Bug identified by Jiao 3/9/10 in CGNSDLL int cg_field_read needs to be fixed.

b)      Wedan to add ifdefs to V3.0 so can still compile with HDF 1.6.

c)      Thomas to update website “Download” page, including making list of what is new in V3.0 compared to V2.5 – including new MLL calls/changes, and send to Rumsey to post on website.

d)     Hauser to enable Track/Wiki capability on SourceForge for CGNS.

e)      Duque and Hauser to continue to look into the consortium idea for CGNS, including more active support of HDF-5 consortium. Also look into applying to NSF software infrastructure for sustained innovation.

f)       Poinot to split Rigid Motion Proposal into 2 parts: part associated to families can be accepted/implemented right away.

g)      Hauser will add HDF-5 parallel code (alpha version) to SourceForge and will let users know when it is available.

h)      Iannetti to develop starting point for proposal for handling sprays of unconnected points, and work with Hauser and Duque to bring it to fruition.

i)        Wedan to document changes to MLL calls for V3.0 (e.g., is_cgns, cg_section_partial_write, cg_element_partial_write), and send to Rumsey and Iannetti for posting to V3.0(beta) docs pages.

j)        Hauser to fix the “long” vs “int” issue (4 byte integer limit).

k)      Hauser to look into the problem with the 64-bit cg_goto_f.

l)        Hauser to send details and a link to his recent paper on parallel I/O with CGNS to Ianetti, for posting on the CGNS website.

m)    Iannetti to post new tutorial slides on the website.

n)      Hauser to coordinate with Poinot to correct the faulty 3.0 commit and replace flag attribute capability.

o)      Hauser or his student to tar up official release of V3 after final testing and announce it.

p)      Hauser to tar up the docs (developer’s documentation) which are part of the release and send to Iannetti for posting.

q)      Rumsey to email inactive committee members.


Attachment 1: Attendees


Bob Bush                                            Pratt & Whitney

Earl Duque                                          Intelligent Light

Richard Hann                                      ANSYS/CFX

Thomas Hauser                                   Northwestern University

Jim Jiao                                               Stonybrook University

Simon Pereira                                      ANSYS/ICEM

Greg Power                                         USAF/AEDC

Chris Rumsey                                      NASA Langley

Bruce Wedan                                      SimCosm