CGNS meeting, June 24, 2003, Orlando, FL
- Status of CGNS and outstanding issues
- Discussion of recent issues raised on CGNStalk
- UserDefined extension
- BCDataSet extension
- CGNSVersion
- Possible need for GridLocation=FaceCenter in
- Future directions, needs, and other issues
Status of CFD General Notation System (CGNS)
Christopher L. Rumsey
June 24, 2003, Orlando FL
- Introduction
- Recent accomplishments
- Where we are
- Current issues/needss
- Where we are going
What is CGNS?
- Standard for defining & storing CFD data
- Self-descriptive
- Machine-independent
- Very general and extendable
- Administered by international steering committee
- AIAA recommended practice (AIAA R-101-2002)
- In process of becoming international ISO standard
- Free and open software
Typical CGNS file
Makeup of CGNS
- Standard Interface Data Structures (SIDS) is the core of CGNS -
defines the intellectual content
- Low level implementation is currently Advanced Data Format (ADF)
- Basic direct I/O operations
- Software has no knowledge of data structure or contents
- Tree-based (nodal parent/child) structure
- Mid-level library (MLL) is currently available for C and Fortran
- This is what most users employ
- Software has some knowledge of SIDS
- C++ and Python extensions also available
Recent accomplishments
- CGNS now maintained on and available from SourceForge
- Latest version is 2.2
- Utility "adfviewer" available for viewing & translating CGNS
- Extensive web-based and pdf documentation available
- discussion group
Where we are
- SIDS & software reliable and well-tested
- Most current proposals for extension (to SIDS) are relatively
- Acceptance as ISO standard is progressing (but stalled in 2003 due
to budgeting problem)
- Many people beginning to use CGNS, but mostly as an "option" - it
has yet to gain full acceptance as a standard
Current issues/needs
- Replacement of underlying ADF with HDF5
- Prototype (written by Poinot) is available
- Needs evaluation and further work
- Adds parallel capability and would help propel CGNS to wider
- Need to reconcile ISO specs (STEP documents) with latest SIDS
- New proposals for extension need review, then implementation
Where we are going
- Resolve current issues/needs (last slide)
- Replace ADF with HDF5 for commonality and growth
- Continue "advertising": Poinot et al. abstract submitted for Reno
2004, "Impact of CGNS on CFD Workflow"
- Push to get more of the widely-used CFD codes to implement CGNS
- Maintain an active & diverse steering committee
Discussion of recent issues raised on CGNSTalk
UserDefined extension
- Allow the following additional children:
- PointRange, PointList, GridLocation, FamilyName, Ordinal
- Would need new MLL functions, e.g.:
- cg_ptset_write, cg_ptset_read, cg_ptset_info
- Purpose: extends usefulness of UserDefined node
BCDataSet extension
- Allow the following additional children:
- PointRange, PointList, GridLocation
- Would need new MLL functions, e.g.:
- cg_ptset_write, cg_ptset_read, cg_ptset_info
- Purpose: allows auxiliary BC data info to reside at different grid
location from the indices that define the BC patch
CGNSVersion issue
- Problem: if write CGNS file without CGNSLibraryVersion node, then
reading the file using MLL can cause problems
- Current fix: make CGNSLibraryVersion node mandatory part of CGNS
file (this is a fix to the documentation only)
- Question: is a proposal for a separate CGNSVersion node needed?
- Maybe not, because MLL and SIDS maintain the same numbering
(e.g., "2.2")
GridLocation issue
- Currently, connectivity information is always with respect to the
vertices for abutting-type interfaces, and can be either Vertex or
CellCenter for overset-type
- Should GridLocation=FaceCenter also be allowed?
- Particularly desirable for unstructured grids