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Toolbar Buttons

The toolbar provides shortcuts to most of the Menu items, as shown below:
Button Menu Item Description
File | Open... Open a CGNS file. A file selection box will be invoked to allow filename selection.
Options | Reset View Resets the view back to the initial orientation.
Options | Center View Centers and rescales the current graphics view.
Options | Set Defaults... Invokes a defaults panel to allow configuring default volume and surface region behavior and colors.
Options | Set Perspective... Invokes a perspective settings panel to control the perspective view and near and far clipping planes.
Display | Two Sided Enables or disables two-sided lighting.
Display | Backface Culling Enables or disables back face culling.
Display | Display Axis Enables or disables the display of axes on the edge of the bounding box.
Display | Cutting Plane... Invokes a cutting plane panel for displaying a cutting plane.
Help | CGNSplot... Invokes the CGNSplot documentation.

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