This diagram illustrates the use of a link from one CGNS file to grid coordinates stored in a separate CGNS file.

The diagram shows two CGNS files. File 1, on the left, has the following CGNS base node.

The CGNS base node in File 2, on the right, is:

Both files contain identical Zone_t nodes below the CGNSBase_t node, as follows.

In File 2, below the Zone_t node are the following two nodes.

The grid coordinates themselves are stored in children of the GridCoordinates_t node, not shown in detail in the figure.

In File 1, below the Zone_t node are the following two nodes.

The flow solution itself is stored in children of the FlowSolution_t node, not shown in detail in the figure.

In File 1, in addition to the FlowSolution_t and ZoneType_t child nodes, the Zone_t node is linked to the GridCoordinates_t node in File 2. To the user, the GridCoordinates_t node in File 2 appears as a child of the Zone_t node in File 1.