CGNS Steering Committee Telecon Minutes

01 December 2009



1)      The telecon was called to order at 11:00 AM eastern time.  There were 3 attendees, listed in Attachment 1.


2)      The minutes of the 02 September 2009 meeting were approved as posted on the web site.


3)      This mini-telecon was called primarily to discuss the upcoming AIAA meeting in Orlando.  Also, it was announced that the chair (Thomas Hauser) has recently changed jobs.  He is now at Northwestern University, which is supportive of Hauser’s continuing leadership role on the CGNS Steering Committee. As a result, Utah State will be removed from the Steering Committee, and Northwestern University will be added.


4)      Status of CGNS Version 3.0

a)      Was released in August 2009 (beta version). Can be accessed on SourceForge. There are apparently still problems on Windows?  Hauser to make Version 3.0 more accessible and easy to try/use, and also will test on Windows.

b)      Current documentation for V3.0(beta) can be found at:

c)      Committee members and users should still be testing V3.0(beta), and reporting any problems. Nothing much has been reported to date.


5)      Parallel CGNS

a)      Separate library add-on is ready to be posted and tested (as alpha release).  This only works for HDF (not for ADF). It currently supports the basic infrastructure calls in CGNS.  It uses calls prefaced by “cgp_”.  Hauser still plans to post alpha version of parallel CGNS to SourceForge and announce its availability for testing.

b)      Hauser also had a paper about this work at a recent Supercomputing conference.  Hauser to send details and a link to the paper to Rumsey and Ianetti, for posting on the CGNS website.


6)      Status of previous action items

a)      Thomas to update website “Download” page, including making list of what is new in V3.0 compared to V2.5 – including new MLL calls/changes, and either send to Rumsey to post on website or post directly himself.

i)        Carries.

b)      Hauser to look into scheduling the CGNS tutorial session for the AIAA meeting in Orlando in January 2010 (evening meeting time).

i)        Room has been scheduled. Rumsey to follow up with AIAA about room in Orlando for CGNS tutorial session.

c)      Hauser to look into creating Track/Wiki capability at Utah State or on SourceForge for CGNS.

i)        It is available on SourceForge, but not enabled yet. Carries.

d)     Duque and Hauser to continue to look into the consortium idea for CGNS, including more active support of HDF-5 consortium.

i)        Carries.

e)      Rumsey to obtain and post Boeing’s CGNS translation tools (from Michal) when they are ready.

i)        Boeing not done yet.  Carries.

f)       Poinot to finish testing the indexing ordering in V3.0.

i)        Carries.

g)      Poinot to split Rigid Motion Proposal into 2 parts: part associated to families can be accepted/implemented right away.

i)        Carries.

h)      Hauser will add HDF-5 parallel code to SourceForge and will let users know when it is available.

i)        Carries. (See #5 above)

i)        Duque and Hauser to continue to develop proposal for handling sprays of unconnected points.

i)        Carries.

j)        Wedan to implement partial write fixes for V3.0 applicable to mixed elements, to stop excessive memory usage.

i)        Carries.

k)      Wedan to document changes to MLL calls for V3.0 (e.g., is_cgns, cg_section_partial_write, cg_element_partial_write), and send to Rumsey and Iannetti for posting to V3.0(beta) docs pages.

i)        Carries.

l)        Hauser to proceed with fix for both the “long” vs “int” issue as well as the problem with the 64-bit cg_goto_f.

i)        Carries.  This was identified by Rumsey as a key showstopper for CGNS, unless fixed soon, because large grids are already hitting up against this limit.

m)    Rumsey to make modifications to Proposal webpage, to include SIDS-to-ADF mapping status and other ideas from Poinot.

i)        Done.


7)      Rumsey added several utilities to the website, for unstructured-to-CGNS file translations (from AFLR3, FAST, and VGRID formats).


8)      Next Telecon tentatively set for Thu, January 28, 2010, 11 am eastern.


9)      Meeting was adjourned at 11:30 AM.


10)  Summary of action items:


a)      Thomas to update website “Download” page, including making list of what is new in V3.0 compared to V2.5 – including new MLL calls/changes, and either send to Rumsey to post on website or post directly himself.

b)      Hauser to enable Track/Wiki capability on SourceForge for CGNS.

c)      Duque and Hauser to continue to look into the consortium idea for CGNS, including more active support of HDF-5 consortium.

d)     Rumsey to obtain and post Boeing’s CGNS translation tools (from Michal) when they are ready.

e)      Poinot to finish testing the indexing ordering in V3.0.

f)       Poinot to split Rigid Motion Proposal into 2 parts: part associated to families can be accepted/implemented right away.

g)      Hauser will add HDF-5 parallel code (alpha version) to SourceForge and will let users know when it is available.

h)      Duque and Hauser to continue to develop proposal for handling sprays of unconnected points.

i)        Wedan to implement partial write fixes for V3.0 applicable to mixed elements, to stop excessive memory usage.

j)        Wedan to document changes to MLL calls for V3.0 (e.g., is_cgns, cg_section_partial_write, cg_element_partial_write), and send to Rumsey and Iannetti for posting to V3.0(beta) docs pages.

k)      Hauser to fix both the “long” vs “int” issue as well as the problem with the 64-bit cg_goto_f.

l)        Hauser to make Version 3.0(beta) more accessible and easy to try/use, and also will test on Windows.

m)    Hauser to send details and a link to his recent paper on parallel I/O with CGNS to Rumsey and Ianetti, for posting on the CGNS website.

n)      Rumsey to follow up with AIAA about room in Orlando for CGNS tutorial session in January 2010.


Attachment 1: Attendees


Thomas Hauser                                   Northwestern University

Simon Pereira                                     ANSYS / ICEM CFD

Chris Rumsey                                      NASA Langley