This diagram illustrates the general layout of the node figures in the CGNS File Mapping Manual.

At the top is a tan-colored box representing the parent node, containing the text "Example Node" and "See parent_t figure".

Below the parent node box are three gray boxes representing child nodes. The following text describes all three boxes.

Sub(Child) nodes. There may be many child nodes. There may also be additional levels in the hierarchy.

Inside each of the first two child node boxes are the following ten entries.

  1. Name:
  2. Label:
  3. Data-Type:
  4. Dimensions:
  5. Dimension Values:
  6. Data:
  7. Cardinality:
  8. Parameters:
  9. Functions:
  10. Child Nodes:
The first six of these entries are described as "ADF node contents", and the remaining four entries are described as "Additional information about the node".

Inside the third child node box are the following three entries.

  1. Name:
  2. Label:
  3. See:
The following text describes this third child node box.
This abbreviated node block indicates that the node has been illustrated in a previous figure.