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Elements Node

(See Zone_t figure)

Name: ElementRange
Label: IndexRange_t
Data-Type: cgsize_t
Dimensions: 1
Dimension Values:  2
Data: Begin, end
Cardinality: 1

Name: ElementConnectivity
Label: DataArray_t
Data-Type: cgsize_t
Dimensions: 1
Dimension Values:  ElementDataSize
Data: Element connectivity table
Cardinality: 1
Functions: NPE, ElementSize, ElementDataSize

Name: ElementStartOffset
Label: DataArray_t
Data-Type: cgsize_t
Dimensions: 1
Dimension Values:  ElementSize + 1
Data: Element connectivity position table
Cardinality: 0,1
Functions: ElementDataSize

Name: ParentElements
Label: DataArray_t
Data-Type: cgsize_t
Dimensions: 2
Dimension Values:  ElementSize,2
Data: Parent1[ElementSize], Parent2[ElementSize]
Cardinality: 0,1

Name: ParentElementsPosition
Label: DataArray_t
Data-Type: cgsize_t
Dimensions: 2
Dimension Values:  ElementSize,2
Data: SideOfParent1[ElementSize], SideOfParent2[ElementSize]
Cardinality: 0,1

Name: Rind
Label:  Rind_t
See: GridCoordinates_t figure

Name: User defined
Label:  Descriptor_t
See: CGNSBase_t figure

Name: User defined
Label:  UserDefinedData_t
See: CGNSBase_t figure
