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Default Values and Sizes and Limits of Dimensions and Arrays

The following default values, sizes, and limits are defined in the header file ADF.h.

    Attribute   Limit, Size, or Value
Data type length 32-byte character field
Date length 32-byte character field
File name length 1024-byte character field
Format length 20-byte character field
Label length 32-byte character field
Maximum link depth 100
Maximum dimension 12
Maximum length of error string 80 characters
Maximum link data size 4096
Name length 32-byte character field
Length of status 32-byte character field
Version length 32-byte character field
Maximum children None
Pointer size 48-bit pointer is used for a block size of 4096
32-bit pointer is used for blocks less than 4096
16-bit pointer is used for blocks within blocks