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These files are distributed as a service to help CGNS users test their own implementations. They are submitted by users "as is" and are not certified by anyone except the sender to be CGNS compliant

If you have any questions about these data files, please contact the person listed in the table. The CGNS Committee is not able to provide technical support for the data files listed on this webpage. 

Please post any CGNS data files (along with a graphic file if possible) or the URL of the datafiles which you would like to share with the CGNS users community at cgnstalk.

Most of the files on this page are very old and hence are ADF type. However, a few have been converted to HDF5, as noted (using cgns_type.f tool on Utilities Page).

Structured Grid Examples

Description Data File Dates:  (Posted) 
Last Revised
Structured, 12 block, 3-D constricting channel, with example use of Family_t for BCs (ADF type) (constrictingchannel.gif) sqnz_s.adf.cgns.gz (< 1Mb) Jan.25.16 Marc Poinot
Same file as above, except HDF5 type sqnz_s.hdf.cgns.gz (< 1Mb) Jan.25.16 Marc Poinot
Structured, 1 block, quasi-3D axisymmetric bump (2 planes) , with cell centered solution (bump.gif) bump.cgns.gz (6.4Mb) (Apr.14.00) 
Chris Rumsey
Same file as above, except HDF5 type bump_hdf5.cgns.gz (6.4Mb) Feb.03.14 Chris Rumsey
Structured, 4 blocks, 2D (2 planes in third dimension) multielement airfoil, with cell centered solution (multi.gif) multi.cgns.gz (2.3Mb) (Apr.14.00) 
Chris Rumsey
Same file as above, except converted to HDF5 type multi_hdf5.cgns.gz (2.3Mb) Feb.03.14 Chris Rumsey
Structured, 1 block, 3-D Delta Wing, with cell centered solution - see also delta_vertex.cgns.gz with solution at vertices (delta.gif) delta.cgns.gz (8.1Mb) (Apr.14.00) 
Chris Rumsey
Structured, 1 block, 3-D Delta Wing, with solution at vertices - see also delta.cgns.gz with cell-center solution (delta.gif) delta_vertex.cgns.gz (3.1Mb) Jul.23.07 Chris Rumsey
Structured, 5 block, 2D (1 plane in third dimension) airfoil with combination 1-to-1 and overset connectivity, no solution included (oversetnasa1.gif) oversetnasa1.cgns.gz (181Kb) Feb.23.07 Herb Schilling
Structured, 3 block, 2D (1 plane in third dimension) airfoil with combination 1-to-1 and overset connectivity, no solution included (oversetnasa2.gif) oversetnasa2.cgns.gz (191Kb) Feb.23.07 Herb Schilling
Structured, 26 block, DLR-F6 wing-body (includes several degenerate lines), no solution included (dlr-f6.gif) dlr-f6.coar.cgns.gz (55.5Mb) Feb.09.07 Chris Rumsey
Multiblock stuctured grids for a business jet, a wing/body, and a wing/body/nacelle/pylon configuration are available from Stanford. Stanford CGNS test files (link to external site) July.29.04 Edwin van der Weide
3D Multiblock Structured Mesh  (5blocks.gif) 5blocks.cgns.gz(21Kb) Apr.06.00 Diane Poirier


Unstructured Grid Examples

Description Data File Dates:  (Posted) 
Last Revised
Unstructured mesh for YF-17 with solution (modified 3/17/11 to have more useful BCs). (yf17.gif) yf17.cgns.gz (7.5Mb) Mar.17.11 Bruce Wedan
Same file as above, except converted to HDF5 type yf17_hdf5.cgns.gz (7.5Mb) Feb.03.14 Chris Rumsey
Unstructured polygonal mesh of a trapped vortex combustor configuration with Family hierarchy tree (CGNS 4.1 standard). (trappedvtxgif) trappedvtx_ngon.cgns.gz (4.8Mb) Feb.27.20 Marc Poinot
3-D hexahedral mesh for the Standard Configuration 10 blade (single blade, part of a compressor cascade), with cell centered solution. (SC10.gif) SC10_steady.cgns.gz (34.2Mb) Feb.07.07 Andrew McGhee
2 zone unstructured mixed element mesh of a coil inside a cylinder with solution. (HeatingCoil.gif) HeatingCoil.cgns.gz (2.3Mb) July.29.04 Richard Hann
Unstructured mesh of a static mixer with solution. (StaticMixer.gif) StaticMixer.cgns.gz (221Kb) July.29.04 Richard Hann
Moving mesh solution of a piston; 20 timesteps (not using the standard BaseIterativeData method, but rather storing each time step in a separate base). (MovingTransient.gif) MovingTransient.cgns.gz (849Kb) July.29.04 Richard Hann
3D Flow of Air in Obstructed Elbow:  Unstructured mesh of MIXED element types with cell centered solution, no boundaries or boundary info included  (tut21.gif) tut21.cgns.gz (61Kb) Apr.07.00 Steve Feldman